[h2]DAY 1[/h2] [hr] [h1]Donkey Kong[/h1] [hr] Donkey Kong woke up to a paradise of food. He grunted and looked around; he had found himself strung up in a net tied to two large stalks of celery. The surprised gorilla whirled out of the net and landed on the ground with a thud. Mixed in the dirt were cookie crumbs of different varieties. DK dusted them off his hands, then plodded through the foodscape, taking occasional sniffs. DK swung his head around, before patting his stomach. Perhaps he could go for a bit of breakfast. But what to eat? The landscape had been replaced with various food items, cooked or otherwise. Of course there appeared to be normal-sized fruits and vegetables in addition to the giant food-structures. DK, however, preferred his meals non-processed (he was an ape with standards, and even his banana cream pie had to be made with all-natural bananas and creams). To his delight, it wasn't long until he discovered a large bunch of bananas in the shape of a hedge. There were some grapes in the mix as well; DK was looking at a veritable fruit-salad hedge. He plucked a banana from the bottom-most row... ...and the hedge collapsed, spilling bananas and grapes all over the ground. DK sheepishly stepped away from the mess (bending over to pick up a couple more banana bunches). He peeled a banana and took a satisfied bite. But what could make survival difficult in the biggest buffet in all of multiversal history? Donkey Kong sure didn't know, but as long as he had his bananas, he was happy. He felt a twinge of apprehension, but was altogether unbothered as he continued munching on his banana and exploring the food-world. He wasn't so much interested in the other foods (barring the fruits, but his arms were full), but the number of sights and smells certainly piqued his interest. He stared up the sweet yellow frame of a massive Twinkie, moving on to a sapling that appeared to be composed of pretzel bread. He even bent down and realized that a lot of the grass was candied mint. It was a ridiculous amount of food, DK had to admit; this bountiful harvest couldn't possibly be natural. DK figured it meant free bananas for at least until the Viewer decided to take it all away for his sadistic amusement, so he gladly took the bananas in his arms and continued to explore. [h2]Dizzy[/h2] [hr] Dizzy was a cement mixer and didn't really need to [i]eat,[/i] but the sight was certainly whimsical and had Dizzy's attention taken completely. She whirled around in the cookie-dirt and commented on the various food-structures. "Wow! I wish Bob and the others were here to see this! It's fantastic!" She backed into a peppermint-bark tree and a few chips of chocolate sheared off the trunk and tumbled into her drum. She heard the thunks and jumped forward in surprise. "Oh!" She smiled at the peppermint bark tree, before whirling back around to explore the world, hopping giddily up and down, her excited eyes darting from left to right.