[@Iceprincessforlife] I know you're giving them time. And you stated a warning. And yeah, I understand that and wanting to make it fast paced, but in the end in this case, there wouldn't really be anyone left to lose interest. I don't know about Eklispe, but I would be okay (if you are, of course) with waiting longer than a week to find out if the others still want to do this, but need a bit more time, or want to drop out. If anything, what about like sidelining the characters in question instead, having them drag along until either the players have time, drop out, or just don't respond for FOREVER? Or, maybe take advantage of the lull and have our three currently active characters interact. There hasn't really been much of that yet besides a quick sentence here and there. Hope I'm not coming off as being rude or anything! I'm not trying to be. Just sharing my thoughts and opinions. :-)