[h3]Robin[/h3] As soon as Damian had first woken up in this bizarre and unfamiliar city he had scrambled away and gone into hiding among its strange architecture and started observing from hiding. At first he had mistakenly thought he was back with his mother and grandfather, that this was yet another sadistic exercise meant to test his limits. A cursory examination proved that not to be the case considering he still had his Robin costume and all of his usual equipment with him and the last thing he remembered he had been sneaking out to patrol Gotham City on his own. Neither Grayson nor his father had caught up with him and transported him here or else he was sure he would be on the receiving end of some lecture or other. A foolish prank by Drake likewise seemed unlikely as none of this resembled that buffoon's style. That left open the option that he'd been kidnapped for some purpose, but under normal circumstances he would have been bound up without his equipment and some narcissistic dandy in a colorful costume would be ranting about plans or riddles or worst of all jokes. As none of that had occurred, he was forced to conclude that if this was a kidnapping it was a very poorly executed one. So, with little information to go on Damian was forced to gather some on his own. He explored the city and its' strangeness for a while, being sure to keep out of sight of all those he observed and came to one main theory: This place was very, very strange. There seemed to be no real connecting patterns to the people that were here, the designs of all of the buildings were eclectic and mixed enough to look like they were from fifty different cities and the 'people' there were either in some very strange costumes or by-and-large only partially human. Some of the occupants looked quite dangerous whereas others seemed relatively harmless, but he did not trust a single one of them given his current situation, so he stayed out of sight and continued to explore. At the end of things he STILL had no idea at all why he was here. That said his fruitless little exploration trip had taken what felt to his internal clock like most of a day, so he found a concealed-enough and defensible location and decided he might as well sleep and figure this whole ridiculous mess out in the morning. When he next woke up it was to see a massive change washing over the entire landscape and rendering his entire day's worth of reconnaissance worthless. Now he appeared to be in some sort of massive...forest? If that was the case it was like no other forest Damian had ever seen. The 'fruit' growing from the trees was either other foodstuffs entirely or not any fruit he had ever studied or seen at all. Just looking at it reminded the costumed child that he hadn't had anything to eat in some time, but there was no way he was going to get tricked into eating what was obviously part of some elaborate trap. On the other hand, the city-altering wave DID give him some inkling as to what he might be dealing with now... "-tt-, More than likely the work of some fifth-dimensional imbecile with too much time on his hands, like Bat-Mite or Superman's Mr.Myx...Myxzl..Myzxlp...those irritating things!" The files on them had not exactly been extensive, but if he was dealing with a fifth-dimensional reality-warper then his life was about to become much, much more annoying. He would just have to track the being down and convince them to stop their foolishness and get him back to [i]his[/i] reality already! He had absolutely no time for this sort of extended idiocy after all! Before Damian could contemplate exactly how to find a being that lived outside time and could alter reality at will, he was interrupted by a loud roaring sound and several of the trees around him crashing down and spilling their culinary contents all over. What appeared to be a massive boar was charging him, waves of heat and the sounds and stench of sizzling grease rising from its' back. Acting near reflexively he rolled out of the way while dropping several adhesive bombs. Several of them burst just as he rolled aside, and the massive swine was encased in a cocoon of sticky, glue like material. The massive fiery hog squealed its' rage at him but found itself unable to move nevertheless. That was good, at least. Damian would have hated to have to kill the poor thing, probably used to defending its' range from much more idiotic human trespassers than himself. More inconvenient though, was the fact that he seemed to have rolled over some kind of flan or custard in his dodge out of the way of the things' tusks. The dessert had completely stained his cape and armored vest... If there WAS a reality warper, he was going to pay for this humiliation! Though in hindsight, at least [i]this[/i] particular custard hadn't violently exploded.