[color=blue][h1]Quill[/h1][/color] Quill thought to himself. [color=blue][i]Dancing and mystery hmm.[/i][/color] He wondered about all the places he could take her. Plenty of bookstores and dance halls. So, where to take her first. What would she like the best? Quill's thoughts were interrupted by a shout and a bang. He looked over and saw an odd old man staring at them. [color=004b80]"Uh...D-Do you know him, Quill?"[/color] [color=blue]"Can't say that I do. I've never seen this man before in my life. I wonder what he wants."[/color] [color=a0410d][h1]Marshall[/h1][/color] Marshall gave a slight grin, glad to know he had been the superhero today. But then she kissed him on the cheek. Marshall just stood there, lost in cuckoo land, not even blinking. I mean, sure, he called Tiff his girl but they weren't dating or anything. This left Marshall completely blank, at a loss for words. [color=00a651]"Catch ya later?"[/color] This had brought Marshall back to Earth but he still stood there, saying nothing for a little while. [color=a0410d][i]Come on Marshall. Say something already.[/i][/color] [color=a0410d]"Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah... right. I'll definitely catch you later. I should be going too.... don't need to be late and give another reason for the principal to bitch at me."[/color] [color=662d91][h1]Eswin[/h1][/color] Eswin had wandered off from the schoolyard and was wandering around town. As he was walking, he couldn't help but quick-draw the people around him. Right in the middle of one drawing, a raindrop came down and ruined the ink. A disgruntled look came across his face and he closed his notebook to save the others. Wanting to stay dry himself, Eswin retreated into the nearest building, a small bookstore. He looked around and saw the blonde beauty he had painted earlier. He decided to walk up to her but noticed she was caught up in a book. Eswin walked behind her and read over her shoulder before she got interrupted by the rain and went to the window. She must have been out of it to not have noticed Eswin yet but he continued to try and get her attention. He brought out his notebook and wrote, [color=662d91][i]I love the rain too.[/i][/color] before holding it out in front of her face.