[center][h2][color=4ac925]Jade Harley; Mahora[/color][/h2][/center] A golden ship propelled through the dark abyss of the fourth wall. One thousand ninety five days. That is how long the Witch of Space has spent on this cruise with her brother, an assortment of sprites and consorts, and lots and lots of cake to keep her company. Quite frankly, she couldn't wait to get to the new game session, if only so she could have space to herself! Between her brothers weird rants and her mopey ex-boyfriend, Jade felt completely and utterly exasperated. They were sooooo close to the new session and she was so sure everything would be better once they got there. What... what if she just zapped herself there ahead of them? They were close enough to the Green Sun that she could probably teleport. Would it be okay to just leave Davesprite and John? Hmmmmmm, well, her paradox slime clone parents could need her help anyway! There wasn't any reason not to drop in and say hi at least. She could always just teleport back in a jiff before the boys even noticed she was gone. With her decision made, green energy began to crackle around Jade. The girl instantly disappeared from her spot on the deck of the ship, leaving not a trace behind. She would soon reappear in a flash of light surrounded by a forest she's never seen before. Wait, was that tree made of chocolate????? Was this one of the alpha's planets? She didn't remember her powers indicating anything about food planets. Speaking of her powers, how come she didn't just 'know' stuff all of a sudden! So weird! She tried to teleport herself higher into the sky so she could get a better view... only to find she couldn't teleport at all. Wait, what? What was happening!? Oh noooooooo. She must have ended up somewhere outside of paradox space! But, how did that happen? With a frustrated sigh, she flew up into the sky the old fashioned way. Once she reached the top, her dog ears twitched as she looked and listened closely for signs of anyone else. Or even anything else. That's when she spotted a boy in a weird outfit, as if it came straight out of her brother's comics, being attacked by a boar. She had to help him! A rifle appeared in her hand from the hammer space of her strife specibus, it was loaded with tranq shots that would hopefully put boars from different universes to sleep. She poised her gun and got ready to take aim, only to see the boy subdue the boar himself through her rifle scope. She was pretty relieved he didn't kill the poor creature. Strapping the rifle onto her back, she floated down into the underbrush towards the superhero looking boy. "Hiiiiiii!" She greeted, her voice bright and bubbly, "I'm Jade! Do you live here? I'm sorta lost! Do you know what universe this is?" [hr] [center][color=95229e][h2]Tsubomi Kido; Mahora[/h2][/color][/center] If you told Kido five minutes ago that she would find herself dropped into a lake that tasted like miso soup, she would have called you a liar. Jokes on her, it seems, because that is exactly where she found herself after entering the hospital doors. She splashed and sputtered in the miso water. She was lucky that she knew how to swim... and that the lake wasn't hot. After a little effort, she was able to swim all the way to shore and drag herself out of miso lake. Looking down at her drenched and kinda smelly clothes, she frowned. Where was she even supposed to find any spare clothes in, well, wherever she was supposed to be. She licked her lips, accidentally tasting the miso on them. Her stomach dropped and she felt the beginning of a panic attack set in. Be cool, Kido. This is something you can handle. Y-you survived that haunted house, right? So what if you fainted that one time, you can definitely deal with strange food places. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to get ho- It sunk in. She had no clue how to get home! No. Nononononono! This was terrible! Where was Seto? Or Kano? Mary? KISARAGI?! Ahhhhhhh, what was she to do? Deep breathes, pull yourself together, Kido. The Mekaku Danchou breathed in a big gulp of air and then breathed out. Phew, she could do this... maybe. First things first, finding a temporary change of clothes until she can get her usual clothing washed.