This is what I thought I posted earlier which I guess didn't go through for some reason. [quote=@tsukune] Before that, we need to establish how and why we ended up in the hubworld. From there, maybe someone who maintains that place or the one who brought us there would issue the starter quest for us to do in order to obtain the device as a reward. As for the quest itself something simple enough for us to complete without any major trouble. I'm thinking along the lines of "treasure hunt" of some sort for the NPC, or a basic test to prove our worth to the NPC. Hmm, if that's the case, maybe you can change the status to full and this becomes a 1x1? Unless you still want to look for more players? I have no probs with that - actually, I'm thinking of expanding the fandom universes we can cross into as much as possible - be it comic books, literature, movies, animanga, games...anything we can think of (without messing up the core plot of the RP, of course). [/quote] I kind of like the idea of it Almost being a random occurrence. My idea was someone, or something was causing problems in the multiverse and that was leading to rifts where things just sort of spontaneously went from one plain of existence to another. So the actual quest would be really simple. Hmmmm... What if the guy was attacked by some kind of bandits. The thing is he doesn't really know what they stole since it was kind of like a storage war scenario were he bought all the stuff from an unpaid for storage locker and then one of the people who lost the bid took everything. He doesn't really care about what's in there he just wants us to get the stuff back from whoever stole from him(He plans on getting revenge on his own.) Since he doesn't know what's in there he won't care about the devices we'll get. Idk I just like this idea because I can't think of many ways our characters would get devices like the ones were talking about as a reward for a really simple task.