[quote=@Conibear] Right I suppose a few questions are in order. Firstly, I'm sure the one everyone wants to know, Canon/AU characters acceptable? Secondly, what sort of tolerance would the three big factions have to some PC made faction. For the sake of argument the PC faction are fairly agreeable and behaved. And lastly, what is the terminal velocity of an eastbound swallow? [/quote] I'll go through each of your questions in sequence. [list] [*]Canon and Alternate Universe characters are acceptable. Since I can clearly see a fellow Runner is interested in this thread, I'll also allowed OCs so long as they're connected to a non-original universe. [*]All major factions are--while not initially violent--hostile to all other factions. If you make your own faction, you may need to tread carefully around other players. Or maybe they'll choose to live and let live. :dreamy [*]Terminal velocity is a constant. Assuming the theoretical space our eastbound swallow is on is [i]Earth[/i], the equation for determining how fast it's falling would be thus. For the sake of simplicity, we're going to be talking about a tree swallow. [/list] [quote]V[sub]t[/sub] = sqr root (2mg/pAC) m = mass of the swallow (normally between 16 and 25 grams, so says allaboutbirds.org) g = Earth's gravity (9.81 m/s[sup]2[/sup]) p = the density of the air the swallow is falling through (1.225 kg/cm[sup]3[/sup]) A = the swallow's area C = the drag coefficient of the swallow's shape i.e. how much of it is 'catching' air and how much of it is 'pushing' air Since calculating the area (and subsequently the shape) of tree swallow is not something I'm up to doing without a physical model, A and C will remain undefined. V[sub]t[/sub] = sqr root (402.21/0.001225AC) [/quote] It's not a very descriptive answer, but it's a good start. If you can find the drag coefficient and surface area of a tree swallow, I'll gladly give you a full answer. Since I've got a whole bushel of interest here, I'll waste no time in getting things set up. You will most likely see the OOC before Wednesday. If not, feel free to pelt me with strongly-worded criticisms and questions with strong implications.