[b]Giovanna[/b] "[b]Hallelujah[/b]!" I blurted out after 'GOD' made his entrance. Suddenly I realized that I had said it out loud. I clasped a hand over my mouth and tried not to chuckle. The commander might have been prone to aim the gun in my direction next. It wouldn't be the first time I would have had to regenerate by the hand of a comrade. [i]Oops[/i]. I feed on high energy a bit more than people would prefer me to sometimes. [i]Praise God[/i]. I thought, with an internal sneer. I decided that some of the others may have thought my reaction was a look of surprise from the gunshots, but honestly I hadn't been startled by that. It was more amusing than anything. This Rin chick was alright. She might have to knock us all around a bit to keep us in line. But who ever said that I would mind things getting a little rough? I put on a straight face and nodded to the commander respectfully. "Ma'am." I said, taking my bunk assignment. I thought about the janitorial duties with a bit of disdain. But if I played my cards right I could probably convince one of these chums to take a little extra work so I wouldn't have to do it. I glanced back at Commander Monroe. She would probably notice, and definitely wouldn't stand for that. [i]Oh well.[/i] I looked down at the bunk assignments until I found my name. I was assigned with an [b]Azurael[/b]. I looked up, and around at all the different faces. "As if I know who the fuck that is." I mumbled under my breath. I knew no one here anyway. I guess we'll see. Maybe it was the chick that kept cutting a look and a smirk in my direction. She looked like a bit of a stiff with her tight braid and pressed shirt, but I looked her up and down. [i]Hm, not bad.[/i] This could be fun.