[b]Name[/b]: [b][i]The Golden Order[/i][/b] [b]Motives[/b]: The men and women of the multiverse dedicated towards the ideals of good, sanctity of life, and honor in protecting the innocent regardless of their homeworld. If someone's life is in danger, especially if they are either innocent and/or important for the lives and well being of others, they will protect that person or persons. In a way the Golden Order represents Order, and they keep Order buy preserving and maintaining the sanctity of dignity and life of sapient beings. They tend to keep evil as disorganized as possible, as another one of their main goals. Evil tends to strike first and ask questions later. [b]Base[/b]: The Golden Order is in a pocket plane of Dungeons and Dragons but it has headquarters in many different diplomatic factions. [b]Notable Members:[/b] [b]Merlin[/b] (Saw the fall of Camelot) [b]Various other goody two shoes[/b] [b]Alien Mother Queen[/b] [b]Name[/b]: Alien Mother Queen [b]Universe[/b]: Alien v.s Predator [b]Canon or OC[/b]: Canon [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/9xbMEYb][img]http://i.imgur.com/9xbMEYb.gif[/img][/url] [b]Age[/b]: very old, centuries perhaps [b]Personality[/b]: Surprisingly Human, she can communicate with Humans by telepathy. She's one of the few aliens intelligent enough to actually have distinctively Human traits, like love or even honorable agreements with others. She made an agreement, unspoken, with a Human woman to let her live if she could keep some of her children/eggs alive. The agreement worked somehow, and this Queen is particularily intelligent. She is as cunning as an entire pride of lions. [b]Abilities[/b]: She's huge, and only recently regained the ability to lay eggs. She is telepathic for her creatures, the xenomorphs, and superhumanly tough and strong. She is surprisingly fast for her enormous size, since she is larger than an Elephant. [b]Equipment[/b]:Her exoskeleton is so tough that modern armaments are too weak to hurt her. [b]Faction[/b]: [b]Factionless[/b]| [b]Alien Homeworld[/b] [b]Background[/b]: She was a normal alien centuries ago, eventually she became a Praetorian, then a Queen. Finally she defeated the other Queens of the Alien Homeworld. She is used to dealing with organized Human or extra terrestrial societies using their superior technology to raid or invade her nest, the alien home world, and she knows how to make considerable carnage.