Unsurprisingly, given the lack of other vehicles on the streets, he got more than a few strange looks from the people on the sidewalks or even on public transit. Not that it particularly bothered him given the almost empty roads meant he could floor it, and the rumbling from the engine filled whatever street he was on at the moment; music to his ears. He nearly had a nasty spill the first time he hugged a corner only to find out that the district style had changed from smooth road to unpaved paths. He screeched to a halt, heart hammering at the near accident, and simply stood there for a moment to catch his breath and calm down. At the same time, a floating display popped up nearby and caught his attention. Though stunned, it was only for a moment as he had already came to accept that this city housed technology easily decades if not centuries ahead of what he knew. It only took a few moments before he was sufficiently creeped out by the two and the artificialness of it all. He frowned as introductions for the five new arrivals were made, and shivered a bit as the people around him all clapped in time with one another. [color=f7941d][i]‘The hell is with this place…’[/i][/color] The cheerfulness of the two broadcasted only unsettled him further and he crushed the urge to get on the move again. Everyone else seemed glued to the broadcast and he didn’t want to draw more attention from the weirdos that lived the city than he had to. When it finally came to an end, he didn’t hesitate to throttle the engine and shoot over the unpaved ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust as he did so. His eyes scanned the cityscape for the closest way out of its boundary, and the tire screeched as he jerked the bike into a sharp turn.