[b]Took me way too long. [hider] Birth Name: Shalom Ben Moshe Loew Other Names: Ben Gender: Male Age: 28 Rank/Titles/Social Class: Shalom is of the Loew family, an obscenely rich Jewish banking family with deep roots in Prague. He isn't nobility, but he's richer than most counts. Appearance: Shalom is a skinny, short fellow, clad in heavy black garments with many pouches. He is the antithesis of the ordinary peacocks of Prague, and stands out in a crowd of nobleman like a sore thumb. His hair is black, his eyes are brown, his nose is too big and his lower face is a weak excuse for a chin. Despite all that, he looks weary, well-traveled, and seasoned - a sage with knowing eyes and a cryptic smile. Personality: Headstrong, devout, inquisitive and fierce as a blood-hound, Shalom would have made for a spectacular general in battle had he the nerve to take another man's life. He has a gentle spirit, a healthy dose of respect for his fellow men and appreciates the fairness of politeness. He's deeply religious and of a scientific mind, which often puts him at odds with himself. He solves these issues with clever reasoning, resorting to logical loops to keep his sanity and faith. Psychic Talent: None. (Surprise!) Skills: Shalom has a keen eye for business, finance, investments and money in general. He has a sharp and intelligent mind, a knowledge of history, religion and politics unparalleled by any commoner and a lab dedicated to alchemy. His family contacts all throughout Europe had lead him to know many languages, such as German, Hungarian, Russian, French, English, Italian and more, while his travels abroad familiarized him with Turkish and Arabic, among others. He is a renaissance man, and dubs himself a scientist in many different fields, chiefly of which is Chemistry. He makes effective amulets and charms to protect people, for a price. High society often turn to him for advice on finance, faith and life itself, or if they feel less protected, an amulet, a charm - or even attempt to ask for a hex, but he would never do such a thing to another man. He's a collector of many things, including old tomes of alchemy, religious manuscripts and most importantly - anything related to the Golem. Weapons/Fighting: Shalom shies away from violence of any kind. (Didn't see that coming, did you?) History: Shalom was born to a cadet branch of the Loew family, whose roots go deep into the city of Prague and its Jewish heritage. He was the third of five siblings and one of his father's two sons. He showed great promise from an early age, and his father hoped he could become a great scholar while his eldest son would take his place in the family business. As such, Shalom was far more encouraged in his religious studies, and even received tutors specializing in mystic teachings such as the Zohar. They taught him of fashioning amulets of protection, old charms and hexes, the science of numbers and symbols, reading the future in the holy book given from god, and much more. He was educated by the best teachers from an early age, attended a fancy private Jewish school and passed with high commendation. It was after he graduated that he decided to travel Europe and study in religious seminaries in Russia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Britain - and later travelling to the Ottoman Empire to the great community in Baghdad and a pilgrimage to the holy land in Jerusalem. It was there that he learned of studies of less spiritual value - alchemy, from the mouth of a blind monk in Edessa who lead him to a mad hermit in the mountains of Judea. It was there that he learned of the process of distilling to reach the most pure form, and thus obtaining perfection and purpose. He stayed in Jerusalem for a long period, when a letter from his father drove him back - his brother had died from illness, and he was needed back in Prague. Shalom would succeed his father - but he couldn't adjust to his new life. He managed the family business together with his father for nearly a year, all the while suffering from insomnia and black dreams. In his dreams his brother was murdered, but he couldn't understand why or how. He couldn't endure the pressure any longer, and left the family mansion. It was only when his brother appeared to him in a dream, asking him to avenge his death and mentioning the Golem of their ancestor that he stopped himself from leaving the city. His search of a communicator to the other side lead him astray many times, but finally he found a connection in the society - and a promise for a clue leading towards the Golem. Random: Shalom is often called 'Ben' by members of the community, which irritates him. He endured the nickname so that he wouldn't have to tell his repeat his name too many times around the circles of the society. "Ben Moshe" means "Son of Moshe", because his father's name is Moshe (Moses). Shalom is in possession of a lot of baubles and knickknacks, some of which are actually useful. [/hider][/b]