[u][b]Ranma- Mahora[/b][/u] Gratefully using his pair of chopsticks to pluck the proffered treat from Chun-Li's hands, Ranma deftly flicked the cookie up into the air towards his face before chomping on the bite-sized treat with graceful ease and spilling not a single crumb. "Ehh, par the course for me. This ain't the weirdest thing I've ever been through, not by a long shot. Thanks fer the cookie by the way." It wasn't often that people gave food to the pigtailed boy and wanted nothing in return, which was honestly rather refreshing to the martial artist. Rustling around in his green kerchief turned impromptu holding sack that was humorously bulging with various pilfered meals, the boy took out a Japanese style curry bread and held it back to the Chinese officer. "Personally though, I ain't ever seen people literally growing home cooked meals on tree before though I've seen ramen that gave people ridiculous strength and a man who's trained in martial arts dining that he can stuff a watermelon in his mouth and has a tongue the length of his body. That and Martial Arts Takeout. That's probably the closest things I've seen compared to this and that's just cause they're food themed." Directing this towards the person of indeterminate gender under the tree, Ranma plucked another bento and held it out to Kino with a smile. "You look like you need a meal. I can vouch for its edibility, so don't worry about it." The boy then had a strange look in his eye as he tried to connect the dots on this particular Challenge. "Probably if everything's food themed, the Challenge will be either... cooking something up, or gathering something special considering there's food everywhere. Maybe our goal's to get to a rare food that ain't literally growing off the sidewalk..." Speaking his conjectures out loud in between digging into his bento, the boy had a thoughtful gaze. One did not experience much weird themed shenanigans without noticing a pattern, and the young man in question had a LOT of experience. "...Also judging by the size of some food, there might be things that are bigger than that... No such thing as a free meal." With the box finished up, he idly threw it backhand style so the emptied container spun through the air and into a nearby trashcan. "Gonna hafta get a bit of exercise today too since there's so much stuff to eat... too much..." "I was sorta expecting a martial arts challenge, though that might just be due to it being the stuff I regularly have to go through back home. Martial Arts Eating Contest, Martial Arts Fast Food Delivery, Martial Arts Calligraphy, Martial Arts Tea Ceremony. Kept having to fight some weird yahoos due to this or that on their own home turf, with ridiculous themed stuff all the time. Heck, I'm expecting to have a literal food fight later on in the day!" The sad thing was, Ranma was only half joking as he talked with Chun-Li about the Challenge. That and the fact he WAS keeping an eye out on the stuff just in case it came alive and attempted to perform violent actions was just proof of the many weird events he personally experienced. "What came to yer mind when you heard challenge?" Idly leaning back against the bough of the branch, he gave off a small sigh of contentment and pat his stomach, enjoying the nice day while it lasted. After all, push came to shove, he'd probably have to fight sooner or later. He always did.