[h2]Wario, Mahora[/h2] Wario was bashing his way through boulders, hard candy logs, and tremendous slabs of peanut brittle as he pursued a giant pink crab. The crab's long, spidery legs let it clamber over the landscape effortlessly, moving over tree trunks, cars, boulders, dumpsters, and creatures with relative ease. Its huge, meaty claws lifted and threw whatever it didn't climb over at the yellow-clad plumber. Wario, however, did not have long legs. He couldn't go OVER the obstacles between him and his prey. So he just went through them. Jumping through one of the boulders, he finally managed to find a grip on the crab's leg, beginning to pull it closer to him. The crab continued scrabbling to get away, but Wario eventually tightened his grasp and began shaking the titanic creature. Small pinkish pearls flew off in every direction as Wario shook the creature up and down, leaving it with spinning eyes. With its coat of pink bubbles gone, the crab was only about the size of a basketball, most of its size coming from the disproportionately long legs that held it several feet off the ground. It looked up in terror as Wario dropped it, punting it like a football. "GET LOST, LOSER!" Wario ran around picking up the bubbles the creature left behind, stuffing a fistful into his mouth. After all, those rocks earlier were delicious, so why not this stuff too? As he swallowed another fistful, he was pleased to notice that it tasted like that gunk the kids put in their fancy tea drinks- Boba or something. It was then he took out a large sack and began shoving the boba into it. "OH YEAH! This stuff's crazy sweet! I could make a mint selling bubble tea!" Of course, this meant only one thing: He must hunt. He must find tomatoes, garlic, all the things that make Italian cuisine wonderful. That girl who dressed like Young Cricket was able to support herself with Chinese food- it stood to reason he could turn a profit with Italian!