"Hey hey, be careful you two!" Adrian called out, currently wasting time by looking over some of the kids playing in the residential courtyard. He sat at the steps of his apartment, lazily lounging on the stone. He couldn't help but make another silent mention of the comfortable weather they were experiencing on the day. Seemed like it was becoming a pretty simple day, all things considered. Or, at least, so far. It was nice out, the kids were playing, and a training class went off (mostly) without a hitch. Adrian just hoped there wouldn't be any more altercations today. But, knowing some of the egos and opinions of some of the more..."passionate" campers, he knew that might've been asking for too much. [i]"Well, if anything, I hope there aren't any more altercations that I get caught in the middle of."[/i] He wished. As he looked up from his thoughts, he could see the familiar healer Jake making his rounds through the courtyard. Looked like the child of Airmed was heading towards him. "Hey Jay, what's up?" He greeted as the healer approached, sitting up at his perch. [b]"Do me a favor and visit the healer's cabin."[/b] He replied simply, not really stopping for a conversation. "Aight, sure." Adrian replied simply, groaning as he got to his feet. "Wasn't doing anything here anyway..." He started off in the direction Jake came from. It wasn't too much of a trek from the houses to the cabin, and Adrian was courteous enough to knock on the door before entering. Coming in, he was quick to spot the two familiar faces inhabiting the cabin. One face (understandably) was less familiar than the other. "Ephidel? Usually don't see you hanging about, did Ephraim get banged up again?" He didn't even need to answer, as Adrian already began examining the new scars Ephraim was sporting. Some of which made him wince in reaction. "Jesus, Free, you don't think some of your forest adventures might be a little self-destructive?" Adrian showed some concern for his friend, using the nickname he was sure Ephraim only barely tolerated. "Didja at least say 'thank you' to Jake after he patched you up?" He chided playfully as he continued his examination.