Jens stood back and dusted his hands off, thanking the crewman for his help. The man nodded and left, and Jens looked around at his new quarters. He had arrived on the cruiser just after the group had left, but one of the crew had been kind enough to show him around. They had just finished stowing his trunk, and the Private was a little worn out. The heavy chest held most of his belongings, neatly ordered into compartments, as the Academy instructors had told him. Three of the walls were painted a dull grey, with ventilation and water pipes clinging near the ceiling. The fourth wall wasn't really a wall, more of a heavy curtain pulled across. He guessed this could be removed, or stowed, to allow more room in the common area. A narrow bunk was folded against one wall, above his trunk, and a small sink, cupboard, and mirror were on the opposite. The back wall had a small, round, window over a desk. The young man had nothing to put there yet, so didn't bother with it. He was officially off-duty, so wasn't required to wear his full uniform, but he wanted to make an impression on his CO, an older fox by the name of Silverwind Blade. Jens would already be in enough trouble for being late, and didn't want to make anything worse. A whistle sounded, followed by deep rumbling, and a slight vibration in the deck. Jens jumped, and tried to look through his porthole, but the desk was in the way. Hurrying instead to the common room, he hoped to find a larger window to look through.