[h3]Charles Balderdash[/h3] Shaking his hand Charles decided that he liked Twain; friendly, chipper and on the ball (mostly) with what looked like a very large mandible in hand. What such a large thing the mandible had been connected to Charles was slightly afraid to ask, at least at the current time. With the conversation shifting its direction towards him Charles thought it to be a very good point to introduce himself to all the others. “Pleasure to meet you all.” He spoke after reclaiming his hand from Twain’s shake, and then proceeded to shake the other hands offered. “Name’s Charles. Charles Balderdash. As Twain, Sir? Commanding officer? Team leader? Shouty man?” He tested each name with a tilt of the head and a cheeky grin. “Well, as he said I’m a new person on this whole situation. Just flying by when a dragon decided that we’d make a rather good snack but pretty much everyone got out alright. All limbs intact and what-not so no harm done.” In reply to this statement one member of TIGER near to the back of the group gave a bitter laugh. The rest simply rolled their eyes or got on with checking the equipment they’d managed to bring. “Well anyway, nothing much we can do about it now.” He said with a shrug. “Oh wait hold the phone, what about that other guy. eeerm whatshisname?” Charles proceeded to snap his fingers trying to recall the person's name. “Oh John! John, the guy who went off to fight the Dragon. Do you think he’s alright?” He asked Zesiro, but then a moment later moved on from the topic with another shrug. “Oh, he’s probably fine. Anyway and you lovely people would be…?” Charles directed the question at the others who he didn’t recognise as being in the team files he’d been given. He’d have to take photos and write down names of them pretty soon as well as try to get a good idea of how they got here in the first place. Perhaps they were related to the situation at hand?