Adrian sighed as Ephraim conversed with Ephidel, the son of Anuke's comment easily paralleling his own internal problems. "Preachin' to the choir, Free. You know that." It was why he considered Ephraim a friend, after all. "Ever tried meditating?" He perked up, adding to Ephidel's mention. "Y'know, something to keep your mind from that buzz. Helps me keep those same urges low. Might you the same for you, you'll never know." Adrian gave brief thought to Ephraim's usual less than cheery disposition. "...That, and being a little friendly doesn't hurt either." He explained with a welcome grin, giving Ephraim's shoulder a light pat. "S'not something i'm trying to force, just a simple suggestion." Thinking a bit on the situation, he couldn't help but chuckle at himself. "Well, if anything, at least you [i]have[/i] a release. Me releasing would kinda just..." He looked around. "...Burn everything down." He gestured wildly, flailing his arms a bit. He chuckled again and grinned, thinking light of the seven armed monster he had to keep down. "Also, you could just spar with me! I was literally just thinking about a sparring session earlier (had half a thought, if Nyct was gonna lead it today, but she's probably still doing her tracking class...anyway!). I sincerely doubt you'd kill me by accident." He added with a smirk.