Orion turned Clarissa sighing. "I might, people are starving out their, people will eat dogs. Horse's are just the next step up." The knight looked at women carefully. "Of course I'll be keeping an eye on Ryoichi as well. You'll be quite happy Feathers is still alive so can ask me for a lift tomorrow when you barely feel like moving after eating most of the feast." Clarissa had been among the house almost as long he had, arriving just a few months after him. They had worked together before of course, just not this closely as he had never gotten to know the women well. "I'll see you all in a bit." He left the feast carefully walking past the guards, his lance was tied to his horse's side. He entered the stable and quickly found a bucket of water and few left out apples. "Hey girl, I know it's no fancy feast but you deserve it." He patted her head and smiled as she drank from the bucket he gave the first apple. "You know girl, it's strange. I like talking to you more than I do most people. Guess it's cause you just listen and never complain about having to." Feathers looked up at him and bumped his armor with her head. "Yeah, yeah I know it's probably boring to you." He smiled and petted the animal.