[center][h3][color=00aeef]Alva Jay Zolkin[/color][/h3] [img] http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q223/erinlovesrocklee/kerligif_zps4386ec3e.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] The Great Hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Eva Drake [@WhiteStar19], Gregory "Slick" Jones [@WittyWolf], Hyacinthus Trivett[@Celeste], and Sarah Dundainson[@Legion02], Elize [@Aspen Wren]. [/center] [hr][hr] Officially taking her phone out of her pocket, wrapping her earbuds around it, and shoving the device into her back pocket after handing the cat back over to Elize, she would slip on her robe over the clothes. [color=00aeef]"Well, if you to mighty fine people don't mind..." [/color] she said, smoothing her hair just a tad just in time for the train to pull up at the school, [color=00aeef]"I'll be on my way now."[/color] Flashing a bright grin Jazz's way, the girl would be sure to add, [color=00aeef]"Hope to see you both around sooner or later." [/color]And with that, the figure would grab her bags and rush out of the compartment into the jumble of other such people. Catching a quick glance out of the window, she would frown ever so slightly. Hm, no boats this year. Strange. Finally off of the train, she would catch a quick glimpse of the students surrounding the vast building while taking in a deep breath of the familiar, comforting air. Doing so sent a wave of excitement through the girl, as well as the crowd of faces around her, both old, new and familiar. Appointing a few first years in the right direction, she would continue about her way upon entering the school. It seemed to her as if everyone was pawning off their bags and trunks off on one poor person. Oh well. If this is what new administration called for, then, that's what it called for. Handing over her trunk and her main bags she would give a friendly smile to the man. "Miss, I have to take your other bag to the common room as well," said the man. [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry,"[/color] Alva responded. In the bag that she had decided to keep -a small one, obviously- was her favorite make-up, pen, note-book and potions book. He was lucky he was getting her cat. After all, if there was one thing AJ didn't like, it was putting her things in the hands of others. "Your other bag, Miss. I have to take it with the others." [color=00aeef]"Dear Sir, I do apologize, but I'm not ready to part with this one just yet. Valuable items, you see,"[/color] her voice was deadly calm with a hint of kindness, almost a warning. The man sighed. "As you wish." [color=00aeef]"Thank you for the understanding,"[/color] the girl responded. Ugh. Her first words inside the castle had been so... [i]proper.[/i] She shrugged off the thought before walking to the Great Hall. It seemed as if she had subconsciously ended up at the Gryffindor table, taking her place near Eva, Slick, and, last but not least, their darling Sarah. She flashed a bright grin in each of their ways. As usual, there was the sorting hat, AJ giving a whistle, or whoop each time a first year was added to the ranks. New, fresh blood. People to teach, annoy, and be all motherly like to. The thought only made her smile more. Hearing Gregory's speech, she admitted, she playfully tossed a roll at the boy's head. Easy to dodge. After all, she would never cause home to the boy. At least not on purpose. After words, she would applaud and cheer him own. Then again, what were friends for? Well, Alva want more than just friendship.... [i][color=00aeef]Stop thinking, dammit,[/color][/i] she mentally scolded herself. Evangeline would [i]kill[/i] her if Alva ever even came in within a mile of messing up the team dynamics. Besides, she was almost positive there was something between the two of them. Catching his signal with the cards, she would just smirk and give a nod of the head his way. Of course she was always up for a friendly match. Before grabbing a spoonful of mashed potatoes, among various other items, she would turn her attention to a friendly conversation with the first years as well as going over in her mind what to wear to the Ball. Then again, who would she ask? Who would ask her? That was beside the point. The main objective: Have fun and pass her classes this year.