[quote=@Galaxy Raider] [@Dynamics] Ridge: That's a good one. Can we do anything about people whose crimes were likely due to, ah, mental afflictions? [/quote] If Crona models his or her alternate copies, we can't take that into account. [quote=@Zeal] It is a just thing to do. There is no need to be sorry. Justice must be served. [/quote] Interesting train of thought. [quote=@Spiritblitz] Lunar: That is a hard subject to fall under.... - I say he should be put in a cell for a period of time. Or be under a type of house arrest and set up another trial that relays on her actions during that period of time in either situation. [/quote] Incarceration is an option. [quote=@souleaterfan320] - *sits down* Perhaps we could separate the two? [/quote] Not if you want Crona to die of blood loss. Besides, it's clear that even if Ragnarok bullies Crona, they both intended harm. [quote=@Spiritblitz] I know. I still stand with my idea....or...hm... No that would kill them. But. What if we can depower Ragnarok, giving Crona more control. Ragnarok is the main source of the deeds of Crona and Crona can learn to live without the weight of Ragnarok being a sore to her...him....whatever. [/quote] Option.