For my second character... I just had too. I really wanted to put in Bowser, but to see all the Bad Guys there (semi-excluding Donkey Kong) there had to be one good guy here. And out of all of them, I HAD to choose the most obvious. (Please don't hate me) [hider=Everyone's Favorite Mustached Plumber!] [b]*Name:[/b] Mario Mario; (Aka: Jumpman) [img]!.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/615?cb=20131217020548[/img] [b]*Universe:[/b] [i]Mario[/i] Universe (Duh) [b]*Personality:[/b] Mario is known for being kind, cheerful, courageous, and headstrong and is also eager and cocky in certain occasions. He has an immutable sense of heroism, friendliness, and somewhat of a fiery personality. Yet the famous plumber rarely speaks, mostly in grunts or yells. When he does speak however, he speaks English with a heavy Italian accent. He also has a love for food, especially Italian based pastas and even cakes. [b]*Powers/Skills:[/b] Mario happens to process enhanced strength, speed, agility, and most notably his jumping ability. He is capable of several acrobatic maneuvers, including the Long Jump, Back Flip, Spin Jump, and Wall Jump. Mario can also use a variety of basic martial arts attacks, including punching and kicking. He is also capable of firing fireballs from his hands (though he's able to use more advanced fire attacks when using the fire flower). [b]*Brief Bio:[/b] Super Mario. Everyone knows him! And when I mean everyone, I MEAN EVERYONE! The silent, lovable, mustached, protagonist who saves the gorgeous Princess Peach from the clutches of the Evil King Bowser and his goons, with the help of his younger brother, Luigi. Not much is to really say about Mario. Yet how did he turn up into this universe within the vast multiverse? Here's how... It was just another day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario and his friends were celebrating yet another victory against the Koopa King and his army. As always, the Mario bros and everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom were having a party with lots-a cake and delicious dishes. After Mario ate his fill, he decided to take a walk on his own throughout the lands. It's been awhile since he explored the Kingdom in peace, not counting his adventures to save his lover. And it was a beautiful day to beheld too! However, as Mario was strolling along his favorite road, he happened to see a warp pipe that wasn't there before. Curious, he decides to check where it leads, only to be spat out into another multiverse! Confused at his predicament, he tries to get back to his own universe, but the pipe in which he came in was locked shut, unable to transport him back home. Mario was depressed over he fact that he couldn't come home. His brother, lover, friends, they were now all gone, and the only way that he could ever come home to see them was to find a warp pipe that will lead him back to his home. If such thing even existed... Either way, he was hopefully in one day finding this warp pipe. He knew that one must be around this vast universe he was in. He vows to come back home safely and hopefully quickly as one of his biggest adventures begins! And perhaps meet a few familiar faces along the way. Now... Let's-a-go! [b]*Equipment:[/b] Mario's hammer is his main melee weapon of choice, however he carries a vast assortment of power-ups at his disposal. These include Mushrooms to replenish his strength (Red to replenish some of his help and Green to get him at 100% health, in what he calls 'a new life.'), Fire Flowers to enhance his fire abilities (with Ice having to do with Ice powers), a cape for him to fly (as well as other forms which may be shown down the line), a star to make him temporarily invincible for a short time, a mega mushroom to make him temporarily giant for a short time, and many MANY more. One way he can find these power-ups are from ? blocks which are scattered across the multiverse. Perhaps he might find a new power-up unknown to him someday... [b]*Theme:[/b] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider]