The last thing Hatori expected to happen when he introduced himself was be attacked. So when a crazed woman with a bloodied baseball bat came rushing at the young boy, he was too shocked to move out of the way. Before she collided with him, a flicker of green scales flashed across both Hatori and Rosa's vision, Jura quickly moving his body forward to block the impending attack from hitting his rider. The impact sent a wave of pain through the dragon's body, which was also accompanied by a whimper. Thankfully, Jura's thick scales and size allowed him to brush the attack off easier than Hatori could have. Slithering around to face the enraged Rosa, Jura growled as a molten fire began to bubble inside his jaws. Noticing the dragons intent to roast the girl alive, Hatori quickly began pounding his fists on the side of the great creature. "No! Bad Jura! Put the fire out! She probably just thought you were an enemy, is all!" At his riders words, the dragon reluctantly turned his head away from Rosa; yet he kept the fire alive in his mouth just as a precaution. Rather than spit fire at the enraged woman, Jura settled for flickering his long, slender tail in an arcing motion towards Rosa. With the one motion, he pushed her a few feet away from Hatori and released a loud, rumbling roar at her. Saliva and fire dripped from his mouth, and even Hatori had to cover his ears at the sound. It was clearly a threatening roar, warning Rosa to keep her distance from the dragon's rider. "Don't be so mean, Jura! You big bully." Hatori joked, throwing his entire body onto the side of his companion in a large hug. Jura rolled his body slightly, picking Hatori up from the ground and allowing him to position himself atop of his back. He rubbed the dragon behind the ears, giggling as the creature began to shake at the pleasant sensation. The young dragon rider stared down where Rosa stood, hoping she'd calmed down. "Sorry about the big guy. Looks like he likes to play rough." Hatori was surprisingly cheerful towards her despite the fact that she tried to attack him not two second ago. Was it his easy going nature that made him so forgiving? Or perhaps he was just very naive. [i][color=SeaGreen]Not to interrupt you.[/color][/i] Hatori's orb spoke, catching the young boy's attention instantly. "Woah! Oh, I'm so sorry! I've been ignoring you all this time." A wave of guilt washed over Hatori. He'd been so transfixed on Jura that he'd failed to acknowledge his other companion. The orb let out a small laugh, floated gently atop of the dragon's head. [i][color=SeaGreen]You seem to be getting along quite well. However I must inform you of a pressing matter. Please turn to your right.[/color][/i] Obliging the orbs demands, Hatori and Jura both shifted their position to face a ball of fire rising up across the horizon. It was a massive beast, and many of the others were already dealing with it. Stricken by fear, Hatori was doubtful that they could take out a creature of that power. Meanwhile, Kieran and Victoria watched as various others began engaging the creature. Never missing out on the action, Kieran drew his blade and ran forward to meet his comrades. The display of power from the others was quite impressive. The skill and precision of the gunslinger and mysterious sniper, the quick nimbleness of Theo and the smart use of his abilities from Gaius. Kieran noticed that Theo had taken a few hits and was not in the best shape. Nodding with determination, he called out to the Sundancer. "Just let me draw its attention, 'kay?" With that, he stepped directly in front of the monster with his blade in a defensive stance; held horizontally in front of him as if he were trying to block an attack. [i][color=FireBrick]This is the best way you can help right now. Your damage is quite pitiful compared to the others at the moment, but you're one of the most resilient members of the group currently; only outclassed by the young girl with the baseball bat. Keep its attention off of your allies.[/color][/i] Kieran nodded in agreement, grinning as the creature thrashed around under the wave of shadows that had been sent to it. It shook its head towards Kieran, snarling with fury as the large skull slammed into his blade with enough forced to send Kieran tumbling over. But Kieran wouldn't be knocked away so easily; it was his job to keep it occupied on him. So he stood his ground, his heels sliding along the dirt and his body shaking from the impact. He could feel his blade splintering, its durability dropping slightly with every attack. Perhaps if the weapon weren't made of flimsy wood, it'd be more effective at blocking the creature. He took damage, but it wasn't as dramatic as the amount of punishment Theo was taking. "Come on buddy, is that all you've got to dish out?" He yelled, riling up the creature that gazed upon him with killing intent from beneath the shadows that strung themselves around him. A warm light began to emanate from underneath, the creatures breathing growing heavier. He was trying to recreate the flame guard that had made him impossible to deal with before. Veronica gasped as she noticed what the monster was doing as well. If the creature regained its armor then how were they to take it down? [i][color=MediumVioletRed]Stop sitting there like a bump on a log girl. Use your spells! You can stop it from creating its armor![/color][/i] Her orb was practically yelling at her, which she didn't like one bit. Snapping, she turned to it and began to yell back. "I can't stop it you idiot! It didn't work on the mosquito so what makes you think it will work on [i]that[/i]!" [i][color=MediumVioletRed]I didn't think you'd quit after one failed attempt. Pathetic girl![/color][/i] Riled up by her companions harsh criticism of her character, Veronica turned to face the beast as it was recharging its armor. "You just watch you insufferable ball. I'm not pathetic!" Casting a magic circle in front of her, a purple mist began to seep from Veronica's body; cascading her in magic. "Silence!" The power flew towards the creature, smacking it straight in the chest. The creature tried to wince in discomfort, but no sound escaped it's mouth. The flame armor that was forming fizzled. Kieran took notice of the opening, leaping up into the air and bringing his sword down upon the head of the massive horse with a cry of victory. The blunt force of his blade didn't deal much in the way of hurting the creature, but it did daze him momentarily.