[hider=Future Trunks] Name: Trunks Universe: Dragon Ball Z: Future timeline Canon or OC: Canon Appearance: [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/5WYKQrbBzUH3QzhQrZcDXirNeh0z9vkjDokD67yMCc0-wkOxZhYW5dos0fYinYhFapDXK6yjLdFebqIEeiq4Ah1REDU3KAQfe7RKqeuygHkmYL4dHuQevLbksyQWPZf0LSRPMZo1SQ=w426-h635[/img] Age: 25 Personality: Trunks, having been raised in an incredibly dangerous and unforgiving world, is often cautious and serious. He is incredibly resourceful, and is not above taking any advantage he can get to best his opponents. He is very respectful, and tries to make a good impression on everyone he meets. However, he does have a slight tendency to be cocky and arrogant in a fight, especially when it is clear that he has the advantage. Abilities: Martial Arts - Trunks has been trained in various martial arts by his old master, Gohan. Swordsmanship - Trunks was given a sword as a child by a man named Taipon. When Gohan learned of this, he also began to train Trunks in how to use it. Flight - Trunks has learned to hone his ki, or life essence, to both levitate off the ground and propel himself in flight through the air at high speeds. Ki Blasts - Trunks has also learned how to weaponize his own ki. He can use it from techniques as simple as firing blasts of energy, to complicated maneuvers where he channels it through his sword, and a wide assortment of attacks in between. Ki Sense - In his training, Trunks has learned how to sense the ki of others. If it's alive and has a level of power, Trunks can sense it coming. Super Saiyan - Trunks has learned to channel the inner strength and rage of his father's race, the Saiyans, and become a Super Saiyan. The power up massively increases his power and speed, at the cost of using far more of his energy. The form also fills him with an unnatural rage, causing him to become more rash, and prone to violence. Trunks is also able to take this power to the level of Super Saiyian 2, but the increased strength limits his speed to some degree. Equipment: Saiyan Battle Armor - While Trunks only wears it when combat is unavoidable, it provides a significant layer of extra physical protection Taipon Sword - Trunks's sword is able to channel his ki, allowing him to use it in combination with his ki attacks. Faction: The Dunkelzahn Institute Background: Trunks was born to a human woman named Bulma, and a Saiyan prince named Vegeta. However, Trunks didn't get to meet his father while a child, as he was killed, along with most of the heroes of his world by two androids. After fleeing with his mother and his master, Gohan, he began to train to protect his family. It didn't work, as Gohan was violently killed by the androids while Trunks was only 14. Trunks came to the conclusion that the most he could do would be to go back in time to warn the heroes of the past. Using a time machine built by his mother, he went to the past to help fight the androids. While all of the heroes and Trunks were able to massively power up, a being known as Cell arrived to slaughter them all. Trunks attempted to fight, but was handily beaten by Cell when he powered up so much that he moved too slow to land a single hit. Fortunately, the past version of his master, Gohan, who was only a child at the time, managed to defeat Cell. After the victory, Trunks returned to his own timeline significantly stronger then when he left, and handily destroyed the future androids. He even redeemed himself, and destroyed a significantly weaker version of Cell in his own timeline afterwards. It is at this point Trunks came into contact with an agent of the Dunkelzahn institute. It turns out that he had helped to slip his mother enough information to build his time machine. Impressed by both Trunks's skill, and initial delicate approach to time travel, he offered Trunks a job to help more people. With peace restored to his home and little else to do, Trunks accepted. [/hider] A bit of an obvious choice, but whatever.