Could Marian get any more adorable? She was practically jumping out of her skin, her eyes were wide and excited, and her determination to get a foam finger, he could have practically turned in to a puddle from her cuteness. She skipped off to the gift shop, and Robert put his hands in his pockets and smiled at her. He would often think about what a date would be like with Marian. Or what it would be like to just spend time with her outside of work. It was better than he imagined, even if this was a not date and would not end with a kiss goodnight (or will it? No, don't think like that, Locksley. You're already getting more time with her than you deserve). Before he caught up with Marian he felt his phone vibrate. Little John... Was everything alright? "Yeah." Robert said, putting the phone to his ear. "Guess who's making an appearance today at your ball game. Governor Lyon himself." Little John's voice said. Robert gave a sigh and looked away from Marian for a second. "Are you trying to ruin this moment? I've literally dreamt about taking Marian to a Yankee's game forever! You're just the anti-Cupid." Robert announced. "Look I'm not saying that you should ruin the game by announcing who you are and robbing everyone. I'm just saying you can probably get information off of him while you're there. If we want to pull off this grand heist you've been planning--" "I'll see what I can do. But Marian comes first." Robert said after a moment of silence. Then he hung up, and walked over to where Marian disappeared to. Robert gave a genuine grin when she saw she had two foam fingers and a stunning smile. They made it to the counter, and as his hand touched his pocket, Marian already pulled out her wallet. "Alright, but I'm buying the beer." Robert said with a soft smile. Robin laughed and took the finger, placing it on his hand. "You're right, and I think the beer is... That way!" He used the giant foam finger to point in the direction, giving a laugh as the two headed for the counter. It's been a while since he's been at a ball game, and now he was here with the girl of his dreams (on a not date he keeps reminding himself), and now luck has it that he should also try and steal from the Governor of New York. A risky gamble... And he was debating on whether or not to test his luck...