Avra had mostly tuned out, focusing on the faint strings of music that she could hear. People glanced at her curiously, but she paid no mind to them. She tried her hardest to ignore the burning in her wrist-- until a man bumped into her. Her forearm felt like it was on fire and she turned to look up at whoever it was. A tall man, built like he was in the military at one point, but with a bit of an... old feeling about him. Like an... immortal. "excusatio mihi, pater." she mumbled. Then realized... [i]whoops, wrong language, Avra. English. Use... english.[/i] "plusbad--" [i]nope, that's not right either.[/i] Of course, having been able to visit pretty much any time period for as long as she wished, she had at least a basic idea of how most languages worked. She giggled mentally; oh, that was a strange combination. Latin as it had been spoken in the late classical period, and Newspeak as it had been spoken in the twenty-two hundreds. Anyway. [i]Focus, Avra.[/i] "S-sorry, sorry, I'm sorry, s-sir." she stammered, trying to calm herself. "It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention." She took a breath and rubbed at her wrist, which still felt like it was on fire. She glanced at the man's... It had... roman numerals...? She cursed mentally. But the damage was done; she'd have to wait and see what his reaction was. Hopefully he wasn't quite so snippy as other immortals she'd seen. She was distracted for a moment as she realized Sona was nowhere to be seen--then let out a muffled yelp as the holopet approached the man she was talking to, bumping up against his shoulder and beeping, then flashing lights at Avra and bumping the man and beeping again. She lunged and grabbed the troublesome ball of cameras and memory drives. "I'm s-sorry, sir... non intellegit-- uhm, it doesn't, d-doesn't know what it's doing, I'm sorry." she stammered. Her face felt like it was on fire with how bad she was blushing. She tucked the troublesome sphere into the side pocket of her backpack, where it let out a pitiful beep. "Oh you hush. You're being naughty." Avra spoke quietly to the little holopet. "I'm sorry, sir." she said, apologizing yet again.