[img]http://img01.deviantart.net/2e2e/i/2011/270/c/e/sci_fi_race_by_rhinoting-d4b2f2w.jpg[/img] I'm interested in doing a sci-fi racing RP. I've wanted to do one for a good while now, ever since I watched the movie Redline. Here's a [URL= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sonTXTZqE-Q]trailer[/URL] for everyone who've never heard of it before, or [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7EApky3bUY]AMV[/url]. I'd love to do an RP that's as insane and cool with plenty of action, but still has a human element to it. Maybe the characters were inspired by celebrities in older races when they were kids. Maybe it's their only way to live a good life with hopes for the future. I do like Furious 6 & 7, but this would be a lot more sci-fi. I have two plot suggestions for now, but I'd be interested in hearing suggestions for changes or other ideas for something different. [u]Plot #1[/u] The characters are contestants in the most popular racing event on the planet (or galaxy). They're celebrities, and even rolemodels to some. It's a tournament that costs a lot of racers their lives, but the glory and prices are considered worth the risk. The teams and companies that have invested in the competition are cutthroat, willing to do anything for their side to win. [u]Plot #2[/u] The characters are living in a cyberpunk society, which is extremely crowded and people don't have much freedom. One of the few ways to let loose and make a living is by joining street races. The government tends to not care much about these street races, but still clamp down on them every now and then to set an example. [img]http://images7.alphacoders.com/299/299482.jpg[/img] My expectations are the same as for my main interest check. - I'm an Advanced to high casual/casual writer. I want a partner on that level. - I only want FxF. - I prefer female partners. It doesn't mean I'm against male partners, but don't come to me [u]with an attitude[/u] or [u]no experience [/u]roleplaying female characters. - I would be able to post a couple of times a week at least, unless I get busy but I would tell any partner in that case. [u]I'd expect the same back.[/u] - I love mature themes. Romance is better than smut though. - I didn't want to do this, but due to a large amount of people clearly not reading my rules/expectations. Write the word Cheshire at some point in your PM to state that you've read and understood my expectations. - I love rivalries between the characters in the beginning, or something similar that keeps them apart. I've found 1x1s tend to work better that way. - I like discussing plots, settings and characters. I would want a partner that actually contributes to such discussion. - I'm not a fan of playing canon characters. - Anything dark and brutal is probably right up my alley. - If you've joined the same week or have a small post count, you start the RP and write the first post. I've dealt with way too many new people ditching after I started an RP. - I've no interest at all in driving a plot forward alone while my partner just reacts. - I'd be interested in hearing ideas or suggestions for each of the suggested settings. PM if interested.