William released a sigh of relief. He felt it safe to assume these two were just more hunters trying to reach his camp. He gave his axe another flick and angled the bladed edge towards the ground, which allowed the shaft to retract and return to its previous state. "Aye, I'm the one in charge around here. The one and only William Hendrick, but you can call me 'Captain' if that suits your fancy more." The worn hunter said with a slight welcoming smile. "And lad," William said, glancing at Ryan. "You'll be happy to hear that your vehicle has roosted itself comfortably in my town." He strapped his axe back onto his belt, turned towards the town again and started walking. He beckoned the two to follow him. "We're not far from the town. Just a short little walk is ahead of us now." He stated to the two following him. It was easy to see the details of the shield that rested comfortably on his back from behind him. The painted image of a wolf's decapitated head was clearly visible on the center of it. "Anyways miss, you told me the boys name, but what about you? You got a name or something I should call you by?" William asked, only glancing slightly over his should to look at the woman. A few minutes later, the small group would reach the town, finding Henryk near the pathway. "Ah, Henryk! Glad to see someone took my post while I was gone." William said as he approached the hunter. "You two make yourselves at home somewhere. Just don't get too comfortable, we'll be having a meeting in a short bit." He stated to Ryan and Ingrid, before turning to face Henryk again. "While I was gone, you didn't happen to see anyone else arrive did you?" William asked the Lycan.