After finishing her meal, Clarissa was lead to her room by one of the servants of the castle. It was hard to imagine the severity of the drought inside these cozy stone hallways. Back in the north, stone was harder to come by. Much of it was imported and the vast majority of mining that was done often took place during the short summer and spring. Only the really wealthy or powerful could afford homes out of stone, let alone a fort, and many times as a child, she would look up in envy at them. It was no surprised that they were often the first to be raided during food shortages when winter became especially harsh. Taking off her gear, she laid down on the bed. The food was very good but how long would it last? She was no stranger to hunger. She'd known the sort of hunger that would force one to kill and steal to survive. Those were desperate times. "Hopefully these lands won't come to that," she wondered aloud. Soon after, she drifted into a dreamless sleep. [Clarissa has fallen asleep and is waiting for tomorrow]