[b]KEY[/b] [b][color=blue]POLITICAL[/color] [color=red]MILITARY[/color] [color=yellow]ECONOMIC[/color][/b] [u][b]Timeline: October to December 31st, 1836[/b][/u] [u]OCTOBER[/u] [i]October 3rd[/i]: [b][color=yellow]Vatanno-Caliphate Trade Agreement[/color][/b] is signed. While diplomats took several weeks to manage correspondence, the Caliph Hammid Mohammed agreed to the idea of open trade between the regional power of Vatannia. The harbors for the Caliphate opened for Vatannian traders days later. [i]October 12th[/i]: A garrison of Sanguine soldiers in the former Kapitan capital are attacked and killed while on patrol. Investigations by the commander of the garrison seems to believe it to be Kapitan nationalists. The soldiers' throats were slit, and their bodies bereft of clothing and weapons. They were patrolling the Kazjd Marketplace at the time. [i]October 15th[/i]: The [b]Kingdom of Sinesia[/b] refuses to sign the [b][color=yellow]The East-Seas Trading Pact[/color][/b] due to their already strained relations with the [b]United Kingdoms of Dalatrum[/b]. Dalatrian diplomats believe Sinesia's refusals comes at the behest of a request from their ally the Sanguine Empire. [i]October 21st[/i]: The [i]Braiyusalian Expedition[/i] sent to a chain of Serranthian islands that left in the summer of 1836 has officially been written off by the government. Without any word for over ninety days, it is assumed that they either made landfall and succumbed to the natives, disease or some other malady. With such high tensions with the neighboring Kingdom of Nehalania, it is also possible the expedition was captured by Nehalanians in the area. [i]October 29th[/i]: The [b][color=red]Schulstein-Fulric War[/color][/b] begins with a formal declaration of war by the [b]Grand Kingdom of Schulstein[/b]. The Schulstein Royal Army passes the Fulric border, intending to capture the capital under the command of General Fichte. The Fulric's begin mobilizing their army, having unfortunately not realized the Schulstein's were as adamant to conquer Fulric with alleged Skeptoni support. [u]NOVEMBER[/u] [i]November 2nd[/i]: The [i]Braiyusalian Northern Protectorate[/i] is finished. With a population of 8,200 and a military garrison of 450 soldiers, mining operations on begin in earnest. The hot tropical heat is brutal, but the gold mining promises to bring much needed wealthy to the growing Braiyusalian empire. [i]November 3rd[/i]: Fulric diplomats in Skeptoni request military aid against the [b]Grand Kingdom of Schulstein[/b], immediately. [i]November 19th[/i]: Two patrolling Sanguine soldiers in the Kapitan capital disappear, with no sign of them. [i]November 29th[/i]: The Fulric and Schulstein army's meet at the [b][color=red]Battle of Limid[/color][/b]. 24,000 Fulric regulars nearly hold off the incompetent Schulstein army of 61,000, but a cavalry charge routs the Fulric battle line and causes them to fall back to retreat toward the capital. Schulstein now controls 8% of eastern Fulric. [u]DECEMBER[/u] [i]December 4th[/i]: The unnamed Zellonian expedition returns to the Home Islands, half starved and deprived of more than half of its crew. They reported their landing site was beset by hostile natives, and poor weather forced them to leave only two months after landing. Though their journey was short, they announce the land was arable if it can be protected. [i]December 10th[/i]: The Fulrics lay a trap for a marching column of Schulstein troops as the [color=red][b]Ambush at Falad[/b][/color]. Well placed Fulric militia regiments successfully surprise and rout a marching column of 12,000 Schulstein troops. Over 4,000 Schulstein regulars are killed, while only 750 Fulrics die. [i]December 11th[/i]: The [b]Muthandian Commonwealth[/b] signs the [b][color=yellow]The East-Seas Trading Pact[/color][/b], becoming another partner in the ever growing pact. Their diplomats also simultaneously request for an [b]Alliance[/b] with the [b]United Kingdoms of Dalatrum[/b]. [i]December 15th[/i]: Zellonian embargo against Nehalanian trade goods begins. Embargo trade ships reached Nehalanian shores. The first Nehalanian traders leaving port are stopped by Zellonian ships then turned away. The Royal Nehalanian Navy remains away from it's home ports. [i]December 21st[/i]: Zellonian noble and second cousin to the Zellonian king Howard takes the Kunenian throne. Kunenia has forfeited it's autonomy to Zellon in order to be placed better under its protection, and Zello-Kunenian trade increases 25% percent. [i]December 22nd[/i]: Obsessed with the promise of gold, the still unnamed Braiyusalian Protectorate in the Western Sides has grown to 10,500, many of whom are Sanguine, Boletarian, Anvegadian and Kalpian settlers hoping to make it big. [i]December 29th[/i]: The Amazonians attack the Nehalanians at the [b][color=red]Battle of Fort Beyond Horizon[/color][/b]. 3,500 strong, this is the first instance in history where native forces were seen to be using modern weapons to fight. The Nehalanian garrison fought on for three days until their ammunition was expelled. The commander of the fort, Colonel Halvos, led his men in the surrender outside the fort. Halvos and the garrison, over 700 men, were cut down and killed. So brutal was the assault that several survivors of the garrison who did not surrender but fled, reported while watching from the nearby tree line that at one time the Amazonians stopped executing the Nehalanians because they blades had gone dull. They sharpened them and continue with the mass execution.