Name: Kilgaris Gender: Male Godly Parents: Sia and Ymir Sphere of Control: The mind, dwarfs, elements, elemental poison, the world. Appearance (normal form): Kilgaris appears as a 23 year old man with brown earthlike skin, green hair.When he wears robes he wears a green or brown sort of dressing gown although it can look like many other things. Personality: He is a calm man but he hates all norse gods for what they did to his family. He is very empathic of others feelings. Sacred Animal: Owl Baboon Ibis Powers: He can conjure things by imagining them and with some concentration they will appear until the energy that makes them runs out. He can also use telepathy, empathy and teleportation. (telepathy doesnt work on other gods). He can also control the elements and what makes up the world: the ocean, midgard (to some extent), earth, the hills, the trees, the clouds and the heavens. He also has control over dwarfs and can make them at will. He can also shapeshift to some degree, the forms are related to the elements. Because of his telepathy also he can make people see things and even make them see him differently (if gods REALLY looked they could see through). Weapon: Doesn't have one although could probably conjure a sword or javelin with his mind.