Today I read that the Kam are colorful and pretty bad-ass. They practice shamanistic voodoo, complete with pins-in-dolls. Also as a forewarning: my posting schedule will be shaky or non-existent for the next nine days. My Dad's going to Cancun and wants me at his house to watch my stepmom's bird and dog. He doesn't want me to really be anywhere but there; apart from school and work. I may be able to check in during school, but given I have no laptop anymore my activity over these several days will be crippled. I have told my sister I want to be relieved on weekends at least but this is cast in doubt if she doesn't get her car back from the shop; it's got transmission issues. So in worse-case: I got nine-days of killing myself with the TV to look forward to and dealing with a bird that hates my guts. I might try to bring my drawing stuff and I could produce a bunch of traditional-media PoW drawings to bide my time and otherwise entertain myself, reading too. But if I don't decide I want to take my old laptop to someone to be fixed I won't be online.