Roze felt happiness rush through her, a feeling she had figured wouldn't ever be returning to her after the past couple of weeks. Peering at the town in the distance, with lights flickering here and there in the old buildings. Shelter. That usually meant food and warmth. [color=Teal][i]Hopefully I get food, and not become it for once.[/i][/color] Roze thought to herself, hoisting her bag more securely on her shoulder. Her back and shoulders were killing her, what with walking for so long with such a heavy load. She would quite happily kill someone for a hot shower. Hell, she could settle on lukewarm - it would probably feel like lava either way after this cold weather. The snow had been falling steadily since she made it to north-eastern New York, and the cold had just become more and more biting the further she headed north. She had managed to find shelter most nights - a lot of people simply felt sorry for her and let her bunk in their homes, or even their barns. But Maine didn't have as many villages and small towns as New York or Vermont - which meant more camping out in old mines, trees, and self-made (fairly crappy) wooden shelters. Fair to say, Roze was feeling pretty miserable, right until she crested that final hill. And there was the fishing village below her. As she descended the hill, some of the happiness began to ebb somewhat at the thought of her future fellows-in-arms. Vampires and Lycans would be here. And they sure did enjoy the smell of her blood. Even demons were attracted to it. Although thankful in not encountering any of the latter two on her lonesome road here, she had encountered a couple of Vampires who hadn't seen her as much of a threat. Although not killing them, several were missing teeth and fingers - one of them missing something just *slightly* more important. She doubted that that appendage would be growing back anytime soon. [color=Teal]"Well Thane... I finally made it."[/color] Roze muttered to herself as she neared the town, the hill and the road now behind her. [i][color=Teal]"Wish you were here.[/color][/i] She added silently, and she fell to a stop a couple of paces short of the four stood at the border of the village. Two older men, one boy, and one girl. The girl was clearly a Vampire - Roze had been around enough of them by now to recognize one at sight. The boy was a human - and looked awfully innocent looking for the job at hand. The two men were definitely more stoic, and more intimidating - and although she couldn't be certain - they weren't entirely human. She stood in silence for a few moments before directing her shrewd gaze to the guy in the duster and hat. [color=Teal]"Hey there John Wayne."[/color] She began with a smile. [color=Teal]"You still accepting hunters?"[/color]