All while the redhead was shrieking at her, the hairs on Saina's neck felt raised. Her eyes flicked away, only half paying attention to the amazons words. Which was just as well, she'd rather find the large woman later and speak with her where no one could hear. As they all left together, she found herself relaxing slowly. Whatever it was that made her anxiety levels raise were all but gone now. She listened to the conversation between Gippal, Eva, and the crew as she fell in step beside Urick. [color=mediumslateblue]"Shoopuffs don't make very good steaks."[/color] She'd said it only after the others laughter had died away, and her tone was so serious that it made the moment a little awkward if the others didn't catch the small, mischievous twinkle in her otherwise pallid demeanor. [color=mediumslateblue]"Gippal, while you were dealing with our friend's incarceration I went ahead and picked up some ingredients to have a proper meal. I placed them with Mercu..."[/color] The pale woman trailed off, her eyes widening slightly. She turned, looking around. [color=mediumslateblue]"Mercury?"[/color] Blinking a few times, she placed her hands on her waist and called out a bit louder. [color=mediumslateblue]"Mercury!"[/color] After a few moments of silence, Saina let out a soft 'hmm...' and dropped her hands to her sides. [color=mediumslateblue]"Odd... usually he doesn't wander off that far."[/color] She looked back to the group. [color=mediumslateblue]"Go on ahead, I will see if I can track down exactly where my chocobo went."[/color] Though her gaze flicked between everyone there with her, her eyes lingered a little on Urick's and she couldn't help the slight heat rising to her cheeks. Her conversation with Eva suddenly made her feel much more shy around the muscular man, so when she turned away she raised a shoulder to hide how her lips pursed; fighting to figure out whether to smile or frown or... Ah... emotions could be so confusing sometimes.