[center][color=violet][h3]Twilight Sparkle - Mahora[/h3][/color][/center] ______________________________________________ For a few moments... a few wonderful moments moments she had enjoyed waking to the scents of food... then the smells gathered together and became terribly oppressive to the senses where the sheer variety of different 'things' that made a smell overwhelmed any pleasantness that individual foods had, causing her to jolt right out of bed and take a look. Upon realizing that she had somehow come to be sleeping under a syrup stained pancake instead of a blanket, her first instinct was to scream [color=violet]"PIIINKIIIIIIEEEE!"[/color] as she was the only source she could imagine being able to pull that off! Then she caught sight past the window, and again her first instinct was to scream at Discord, but the tower in the distance reminded her like a brick to the skull of where exactly she was and what this meant... Finally, her brain settled on [color=violet]"Huh... pinkie would have a ball here, but she'd probably try to eat the whole world if it was made of food..."[/color] Naturally, she was mumbling to herself about this, being alone in the room and all... at least, as far as she registered, at the moment she didn't even quite remember the guy that she'd offered to share the room with her. She extricated herself quickly from the sticky 'blanket' and began examining it, quickly finding that it was indeed an actual giant pancake, yet considering the strange world she was in currently she was not in a hurry to suddenly start eating it... That said, She 'did' sheer off a couple dozen roughly 'normal pancake sized' slices to stuff in her little pocket dimension storage, carefully sorted away from her precious paper and writing utensils! If she found herself starving later then it might be a useful thing to have on hoof. That done, she elected to perch herself in the nearby window of the dorm room, looking out over the landscape as well as observing the various scattered individuals from the previous day as they went about taking in this new foody world as well... [color=violet]"Jeez, It looks like Discord vomited on this world while I was asleep..."[/color] She was not especially keen on leaping into the fray of interactions at the moment, at least not until she had some idea of just what to 'do'... She also had to compensate for a little PTSD from back when Discord did this same thing with her world, though it wasn't entirely food themed back then. It... also didn't have meat themed stuff to it, and she honestly wasn't sure how to feel about that. On the one hoof, here were things that probably didn't come from something sentient, readily available to satisfy her indiscriminate curiosity. On the other hoof, it was meat, she was probably going to have some terrible indigestion if she tried, and what if she found she liked it 'too' much? By Tartarus, what if it caused her magical biology to respond by shifting towards a more predatory style?... Again, she was torn between feeling disturbed by the idea, and unquenchable fascinated by the possibility. ...... [color=violet]"Screw the consequences, I'm a princess and if I want to try meat, I will!... I've been dragged into another world to be some sociopath's piece on a figurative chess board, I'm getting 'something' out of this, and I'm not likely to have a better opportunity to try this without sacrificing my moral values!"[/color] [color=purple][b]*Ping*... *Bamf!*[/b][/color] In a purple flash of light she teleported from the window to the most obvious meat based thing she could see... It so happened to be a bacon tree that a certain psychopath from the previous day was feasting on like a rabid animal... She allowed only the tiniest bit of spiteful glee to enter her mind as she 'stole' a branch from the Psycho who'd been mean to her before, at farthest point of the tree away from him of course, then quickly felt kindof bad for feeling that way... Still, she teleported again, quickly, uninterested in letting him have time to try and attack her. [color=purple][b]*ping*...*Bamf!*[/b][/color] This time she teleported closer to the 'least' crazy seeming group, made up mostly of seemingly rational and sane individuals she had observed the previous day... which, considering that this included some strange human with a pony-tail who was climbing a food tree and stuffing himself, spoke volumes for the amount of sanity that seemed to refer to the 'high point' of this group. [color=violet]"I'm sorry to interrupt, but you all seemed like the most stable individuals yesterday... I don't suppose Either of you know why it looks like my world's local Chaos god vomited on reality do you?"[/color] She spoke with... small tears in her eyes, but not from the previous days reasons, she'd already cried that out as quietly as she could in the night. No, now it was because bacon... BACON!... Why? WHY?! Why was it so. damn. good?! She even had a little piece still being chewed on, and just... Wow! Did Griffon's really eat this all the time?! Meanwhile, Big boss... Was nowhere to be seen, perhaps he was hiding in a cake somewhere and spying on everyone.