The streaks of lightning that crossed the plains reminded Saerena of shooting stars. The battle raged on, the group seemingly revitalized after the first shot connected. The others rushed at every chance, until Saerena was sure the beast would fall under the wake of physical and magical attacks. Unfortunately, she was wrong. Each time the horse went down, and each time it got back up. Still its health was immeasurable, as if the battle might last forever. Unexpectedly the horse turned away, as if retreating, only to charge at the lone figure on a distant hill. Within a second it seemed to have gapped 100 meters. And then there was the impact. A last second shot to slow the beast was likely all that saved the figure from death, instead flinging it downhill with tremendous force. Saerena saw that it was alive, but barely. At that, she sprinted to the opposite side of the hill where she had last seen the figure before it was lost over the crest. As she approached she saw Theo plunge his sword downward into the horse's flank. [color=ed1c24][i]Is that it?[/i][/color] she thought as she continued sprinting to the downed figure's side. Again, it was not enough. The beast rose, as enraged as ever, glaring daggers at Theo. She noted that he seemed different now, stronger, more confident, as he stared just as intensely back into the horse's eyes. She reached the side of the man that had been injured, and again dropped her goggles over her eyes. His HP had dropped dangerously low, his figure burned and bloodied. He would not survive another attack. Though Theo called for him to stun the beast again, Saerena doubted if he could lift his gun, let alone hold it steady enough for an accurate shot. She knelt in front of him, reading the built in HUD-rangefinder in her goggles. [color=ed1c24]"Lock. 75 meters."[/color] she said cooly. [color=ed1c24]"If you can still pull a trigger, rest the barrel on my shoulder to steady it. Clear shot, 75 meters."[/color] she added to the man behind her, still visibly disoriented. At that, she fired at the horse's eye, carefully accounting for drop and Coriolis, putting as much power as she possibly could behind it. Electricity arced off the gun and into the ground as she shot, propelling the bullet directly into its target. The beast's head whipped sideways on impact, almost taking it off its feet by sheer force, leaving an opening for a stunning shot and a blindspot for Theo. [color=ed1c24][i]Hopefully this will end it,[/i][/color] she thought as she fired, [color=ed1c24][i]that shot may be my last for a while.[/i][/color]