Until now, Laura had been occupying herself with simple exercises in her room; sit ups, push up, squats, and others of the like, but the urge to punch things hit her like a tidal wave, and those exercises weren't enough anymore. She quickly slipped into some loose clothes before unlocking her door and making her way to the locker room. The halls, were quiet, but she was fine with that, it just gave her time to think to herself a bit about the experiences she would have in this program they called "Project Freelancer". She was slightly irritated that she had to wait for the lift to come down, though she figured she could just take that irritation out on the practice dummies. The door finally opened, and after stepping in, her ascent began to the locker room, another wait which only served to irritate her further. Once she arrived at her locker, which was one of the few with a nameplate on it, hers saying "California", she changed out of her clothes and into the under-suit for her armor, which she proceeded to put on after. The helmet was the hardest part, as she had to bundle her long hair up into it, a process that usually caused tangling and later pain when she attempted to straighten it again. If she was going to keep doing this, she needed to cut her hair. Now all suited up in her bulky armor, Laura made her way to the training room, her heavy footsteps thudding as she walked. Upon entering the room, she found Agent Massachusetts training with her sniper, and a delightful prospect entered her mind: a spar. For now, Laura spoke softly, asking FILSS to bring up a punching bag in the corner, which Laura tried her best to demolish with her heaviest hits. When she heard the last shot fire, and the female ask for moving targets, Laura spoke up. "Hey, Mass, how about you practice with me instead of those targets? Should be fun, I think."