[center][h3]Filia – Mahora Grounds[/h3] [@VitavitaAR][@Flamelord][/center] After a hearty and breathy sigh at the dashing of her expectations, Filia rose to contemplate the scenery. No matter how strange things got back in New Meridian, this truly took the cake. Every moment of starting at the edible world brought new discoveries: a phonebooth of butter, telephone wires floppy and yellow like colossal noodles, even pigeons for whom sizzling, steaming flesh did not mean death. Were those shreds of mint leaf filtering through her hair along with the cool wind? Though no longer hungry, the schoolgirl found herself craving an exploratory mission of the city, for no better reason than to observe what ludicrous things the imagination of the Viewer had wrought. Perhaps, within the apartments and casinos of downtown, she might even discover something more fantastical and rare than a bizarre confection: a clue about who she was. In this world, anything was possible. Thinking this, Filia stared off into space, watching some sort of flying chocolate whale wheeling around the sky, sucking in cotton candy clouds through candy cane baleen. [b]”Get down!”[/b] By now, Filia knew her parasite well enough that she didn't feel the need to argue, question, or even try and figure out why. The schoolgirl threw herself to the ground, cushioned from the sudden drop by the spinach-grass upon which she stood, and right on cue a compacted wad of meat and vegetables sailed over her head and smashed into the pancake hill, which to Filia's shock exploded into maple syrup and bread. Samson took the initiative, meanwhile, and jammed several bundles of hair into the ground, tunneling through it at high speed. Following the path, Filia caught a glimpse of her assailant: a [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/cloudywithachanceofmeatballs/images/e/e3/TacodileSupreme.png/revision/latest?cb=20130930044135]Tacodile[/url]. It was gargantuan, as tall as an elephant with a mouth nearly as wide as two of them, and upon that jaw taco sat a beady olive eye fixated upon its next meal. Filia gasped, and before her eyes the cookie road beneath it erupted into a half-dozen Ringlet Spikes, drilling upward into the beast's red pepper feet and spilling out seeds and taco ingredients from the wounds. The Tacodile roared ferociously, loud enough to rattle several blocks with its rage. It then began to charge, prompting Filia to assume a crouching position and jump, pulling her hair from the tunnels and leaping above the clashing jaws. “Eeeeeeat...” she began, stretching bunches of hair backward. [b]”This!”[/b] Five tentacles of hair shot downward, wrapping around the snarling Tacodile, and pulling in Filia on top of its head for a double-kick. Unfortunately, the Tacodile had other ideas. Furious, it shrugged off the blow, and with a single wrathful spasm threw Filia and Samson across the street before plodding after them in pursuit. The instant Filia regained her feet, she began to run, saying, “Samson, it's too tough to grab and too dangerous to try and cut it apart! We need a Trichobezoar!” The parasite grunted in approval, watching from the back of her head as the Tacodile gained on them. [b]”Good idea, kid. Look out for somethin' hard. I'll tell ya to jump if that thing spits another ball a' fillin' at us.”[/b] [i]Something hard?[/i] A corn cob, a peach pit, or Trinity forbid an actual metal object—any of them would do. Filia rounded a corner quickly and dodged out of the way of a killer bite using an Instant Hair Dash, and spotted two strangers: a little girl in magenta and a pink-haired boy in a dapper, beige suit. Noting that they looked way too interesting to be actual occupants of the city, Filia shouted as she ran toward them, her raven hair billowing behind her, “Hey! Help, help! This taco monster's gonna eat us!” Growling, Samson reached out with a hair tentacle, grabbed a breadloaf mailbox, and hurled it at the Tacodile. All this managed, however, was to chip an onion tooth and make the monster even madder, frothing garlic sauce as it bore down on Filia, Souji, and Kyouko. [center][b][h3][color=yellow]DIO – Near Hotel California[/color][/h3][/b] [@GameguruGG][@Azakma][/center] Truly, his was an insane and farsical world. DIO strode down the sidewalk, turning cracker into dust with every step, and watched with a blasé and cavalier eye as the local populace either rejoiced in the bounty or battled one another for a choice specimen. Today, his charismatic aura bore a particularly forceful twinge, snaring the attention of anyone around him but preventing them from being able to stand in his path. No man, woman or child, having beheld those orange eyes and that wild, blonde hair, or his utterly disdainful, mocking smile, could willfully obstruct him. Sneering, DIO hopped over a broken part of the sidewalk, wherein lay a puddle of chocolate pudding that might have, in a previous and more sensible existence, been mud. In front of him next he discovered a gaggle of people moving around and waving their arms chaotically, apparently cooperating to create some kind of grand confection and too excited to pay the approaching vampire any heed. No matter; the next instant, DIO was on the opposite side of the hubbub. There was no time to waste. As he arrived at a street corner, he suddenly became aware of a new scent, one far more interesting than the useless, useless food that surrounded him: good blood. With utmost ease he looked to his left, and witnessed, seated on the sidewalk, a peculiar woman. As humans went, this one seemed an outlier, for her pale skin, odd hairstyle, and unconventional garb were at total odds with anything DIO had come to expect from normal people—not that he was complaining. Hers was an alluring body, full of energy and power, and DIO felt that he would enjoy a servant such as she. He strode forth, approaching her with a tranquil and austere ease. While she was facing him, she looked to be too involved in a buffalo wing at the moment to notice. How inconsiderate. DIO took no note of Clementine as he came within five feet of the sitting Juri. The wheels were spinning in his head. His eyes, cold as ice, sought to invade her heart. From him poured that piercing feeling, a dubious sensuality. [color=yellow]”I hear you have a special ability beyond that of an ordinary person. It would please me if you would grant a small demonstration.”[/color] His every word was dangerous sweetness, enough to calm even the Tae Kwon Do practitioner's heart.