[h2]Sakura Kyouko[/h2] Taco... Monster...? ... So it [i]was[/i] a taco monster. Jeez, the food was fighting back? Kyouko almost felt conflicted. Almost. The blade of her spear hissed through the air as brought it up, swallowing the last remnants of her pocky as she did. It was a monster, she had to kill it first if she wanted to eat any of it anyway. "I dunno what's goin' on," she began, simply, twirling her spear as she advanced towards the oncoming monster formed of food, "I'm pissed off even if this place is kinda awesome. I didn't ask to get dragged here. 'N now I see this ridiculous thing goin' around like some kinda garbage movie monster?" Giving the girl with the prehensile hair a sidelong glance, Kyouko grinned another one of her fanged grins. "Ya'd have to be some kinda idiot to be scared of this thing, right?" Her focused returned to the advancing taco thing as she placed her spear's shaft firmly in both hands, the tip glinting as it pointed towards the creature. "Since I'm so pissed, I think I'll take out my anger on this thing, it'll help me warm up for the asshole who brought me here." There was the sound of rattling chains as Kyouko's spear suddenly lashed out. She swung it in an arc, the bladed tip slicing swiftly through the creature's leg. It let out a roar of pain but kept going in spite of the injury. Kyouko didn't stop for a moment before advancing on it, swiftly darting to the side in order to attack its flank.