[b]Souji Mitsuka - Mahora[/b] Souji listened on confusion as the redhead talked while she ate, revealing that she had been mysteriously transported here just like him. Well, that was a coincidence if he had ever heard of one, though he might not say as such. It did confirm that it was probably the work of an active intelligence, rather than sheer fate though. "I had to try," he pointed out calmly as he stood in place, doing his best to keep from drawing her ire or to get that spear used against him before he could shift to Tailred. But he moved on, choosing to comment on the other odd part of their situation as he scratched his chin. "Weird, the same thing happened to me." Then, things went to hell. A call for help drew Souji's attention instantly, and his eyes widened in shock to see a girl wit....sentient hair? running from what looked to be some sort of animal made from....taco parts. Well then, that was odd. And terrifying. Of course, he could hardly ruun when someone needed help, but even he recognized the wiseness of this situation and how to act off the bat. "Watch out he cried as he leapt out of the way, breaking into a run to get to a safe distance before turning around to watch the fight as it raged. He was impressed as the redhead with the spear went to it, revealing that she really knew what to do with that as she began to fight the creature, slashing and stabbing at it. For the moment he chose to keep out of it and watch, though he itched to jump into the fray. But for the moment it seemed that she had it in hand, and now that he had gotten to this point he could always duck out of sight and shift to Tailred at a moment's notice. So he could afford to see how good of a warrior Spear was before he leapt into the fight.