[center][h2][color=a0410d]Krieg - Mahora[/color][/h2][/center] "Uh... I think... Huh." The Voice stuttered. Krieg hadn't seemed to notice that one of his branches went missing from the teleporting purple pony, although in his rabid state of devouring sweet delicious meats, he doubted that anything could get his attention. So, the voice idly watched the surroundings of food converted world, he was impressed that something like this could merely happen while they were sleeping, but he had heard about this all powerful being, and he wondered if they were as bad as Handsome Jack... No, this one truly has the power to rule over worlds. The Voice sighed, he would have to keep Krieg on his best behavior around these other players, teamwork was the best option for the rather strange group, and at least Krieg knew [i]something[/i] about teamwork from working with the vault hunters. Looking back to Krieg, he was continuing to eat the rest of the tree... The bacon ran out a few seconds ago... Why did he have to be this way? Finishing the tree, wood and all, Krieg stood upon his two feet feeling quite revitalized from his morning meal. "We're going to have a painful day in the bathroom," The Voice muttered, Krieg only laughed at the statement, giving his own two cents about the situation as he laughed in a short maniacal manner. "RAFT!" "Why do you even try? I mean-" Both of them paused, it was a very familiar sound, and it was the sound of fighting. "Wha- What? A fight that wasn't started by us?" The Voice questioned to himself, wondering what kind of situation was happening in the school. Krieg on the other hand was already up to his feet, his buzz-axe digistructing into the air, dropping into the firm hands of the psycho. The last fight with Jax had ended too early for Krieg's taste, so he would have to put all of his previous aggression into this one. He grinned with a smile of a man with no regrets, running at a moderate pace towards the sweetening sounds, the Voice was rather worried to find what kind of situation would take place without them to cause a fight. "Ok... Ok, this world might be different from the one yesterday. So... there might be something that is different in this world? Maybe the food actually makes you insane? Or, maybe, food animals? Is that even a thing?" The Voice was trying to rationalize this situation, he knew that none of these good people would attack each other... Only Krieg did that... Right? Krieg only smiled happily, the taste of salty blood was getting closer, and closer. "Don't get too excited Krieg, people might be sparring or something, just don't go crazy... I mean don't kill anyone." "BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOOOD, BLOOOOOOD, BLOOOOOOOOD!" "Great, he's probably all pissed from the fight from yesterday," The Voice growled, it is extremely hard to take control when Krieg is pissed, but the Voice would manage. A roar of pain sounded from the distance, the pace started to quicken. "I'm here to shank and smile!" Krieg screamed out, his sight upon the fighting of a... What the heck? It was some kind of... Taco. "Aw shit, Ellie would have devoured that thing in a second." The Voice said, amazed by the monstrosity of the walking meal. Krieg, surprisingly was affected by the creature, it was completely different from the natural wildlife of Pandora, but they shared one thing in common with Skags, Rakks, Bullymongs, and Threshers. They were aggressive. Dropping his buzz-axe onto the floor, another weapon digistructed into his hands, this time it was his SMG, the Slagga! "Uh... I guess, kill it!" "TASTE THE PURPLE! FEEL THE PURPLE!" Krieg yelled out, pulling on the trigger. Several bullets, covered in some sort of purple slime poured out of the barrel of the gun, the aim was almost pinpoint accuracy towards the ginormous monster. This was it, this is what Krieg was meant to do, kill the biggest and baddest monsters for sweet loot to kill even more things! It was the natural order of Pandora after all. The bullets, being bullets, hit their target with great speed, piercing through the hard flour shell of the beast. However, the slag was working its magic. Just as the bullets entered the being, the purple material covering the bullets almost instantaneously covered the entire monster inside of a translucent flowing purple. "PURPLE TASTE GOOD! MAKES THINGS HURT MORE!" Krieg screamed out in delight, maybe unintentionally telling the others that the slagged Tacodile would take more damage to any other attack rather than slag. Krieg continued to fire at the monster, short burst of bullets directed towards the mighty monster. [center][h2][color=696969]The Overlord - Roanpur[/color][/h2][/center] The Overlord winced as his eyes set sight upon the endless world of normal items turned into horrible food replicas. His grip upon his mace tightened, this world was too cute, he needed to add a bit of hell flames and torture in every block just to make this place bearable to his glowing eyes. He looked both ways down the street, and something rather interesting caught his attention, it was a rather large gathering of people... Great, new slaves for the Overlord. He looked to the side to see DIO exiting the building as well, his partner taking no time to start moving towards some random direction. The Overlord wondered if he had some kind of plan in mind, or just walking randomly in the streets, but the Overlord had something else in mind rather than regarding the powerful man. Walking behind DIO, he suddenly lost sight of him right as he walked towards the crowd. Surprised, the Overlord looked around for a few seconds to find him missing... Did he just teleport? Well, he guessed that was another power that this being controlled, a rather annoying power. He stretched out his shoulders before looking back at the chaotic crowd making something that the Overlord didn't really care about, all he cared about were his new slaves. Walking towards the nearest person, the chaos seemed to allow the Overlord to enter a crowd without being instantly noticed by the civilians. The Overlord grabbed the nearest person by the face, their muffled screams against his metal palm, and soon enough lightning spawned from his hand, and skillfully entered the body through the eyes. The Overlord glared at the others near him, his intimidating presence making people look away from the sight at hand, thinking him merely as some kind of debt collector or brute from some criminal organization.