[color=fff200]Name [/color]: [color=f7941d][b]Gath[/b][/color] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/142f/th/pre/f/2015/279/2/a/mgsv_phantompain_web_by_michaelmayne-d9c4ts3.png[/img] [color=a0410d]Race [/color]: [color=00a99d]Oathmen[/color]. [color=00a99d]Population [/color](There was just a massive dying and it's the stone age now... think small, max about 700): 1 "chieftain, religious leader, and wise man. [color=f7941d]Archgath Forthbringer [/color](the most notable forefather among us.), and his wife [color=00a99d]Emilia[/color], their four sons and two daughters. 8 two Chiefs, and their wives. His trusted advisors, as well as their 2+1 sons and 3 daughters. 10 IN addition two cronies, and a bastard son. 3 2 women, and a single mother. 3 and three other couples, with a combined number of 4 sons and daughters. 10 [color=ed145b]34 people[/color] + prominent, neighbouring bachelor and Bachelorette tribes, as well as elderly/children tribe at the center of a village of marital homes. [i][color=ed145b]230 [/color][/i] Organization : The tribe is a group of men who either followed Archgath out of mutual respect, lack of viable options or out of regards for him. [color=0054a6]History [/color] The Gath People of the Oathmen were once various nomadic groups fairing in the wilderness against post-apocalyptic tribes. They were remnants of their peoples whom did not side with or whom were enslaved, eaten, raped or killed by those savages, cults and factions. -Archgath was one whom lead people repeatedly in times of strife with a confident stride and reassuring hand, so it became so that his top chieftain bowed to him alone and even acknowledged their own weakness of mind and heart, as he took their strengths into account. He was appointed leader, even though he was simply still like an Ox, or another prominent beast of burden. - His children are subconsciensously aware they do not inherit his title or privileges or belongings or inhabitants. The people fought won many small battles, but they stay far from the large factions and developing cities. Their relation with neighbouring tribes is one of superiority and recognition but not authority. They have situated themselves in a pleasing location and not a defensive one, but they are well aware of their surrounding and survival tactics. Culture: [color=598527]A man can only have as many wives as he is capable of holding true, protecting, providing for, acting as full time spouse and parent to her offspring and as a friend whom is not in the mean while a sexual deviant [/color] [color=00746b]~[/color] [color=007236]Social equality and enmity is first above his personal capacities, including the children's covetousness, ambitions and moral development.[/color] [color=8dc73f]Religion [/color]: the wiser people are Spiritual and borderline religious. The leaders are passively religious, and the women productively enlightening. The children understand their God to be universally encompassing, involving all physical, philosophical and moral boundaries with bias towards its own recognition and Way and detest for the things which are wicked {bringing about demise upon those who are wicked and those whom accompany them and harbour them.}. Their God is That which creates and sustains life, regardless of the Holistic essence of it's nature, and it has love for all things and a place for them, but is relentless against it's enemies and those who do not put faith in it. It is a God that despises adultery, because the social effects are catastrophic regarding inequality and enmity. [color=f7941d]Shelter [/color]: Log, stone, dirt houses with wooden roofs. They dig basements, and build on hill sides and against cliff faces, they keep their community in as few housing lodges as possible to save on heat and conversation, but build wherever they find good hunting, fishing and vacation grounds. The migrate, and in the bets places build palace like structures (regarding cultural standards {Great halls.}) [color=0072bc]Location [/color]: This is what my people dream of. More water and less heat: [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/3311/th/pre/i/2013/007/5/9/travelling_through_the_dwarf_s_village_by_evakedves-d5qq0z5.jpg[/img] They see lots of this: [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/fd4e/f/2015/025/7/8/web14_by_uglybug-d8fe1tc.jpg[/img] good portions of this: [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/4995/f/2015/228/d/5/light_up_the_dark_by_nelleke-d95vuxa.png[/img] but life looks like this: [img]http://pre07.deviantart.net/bf47/th/pre/f/2015/163/0/1/untitled_by_makkou4-d8x0hty.jpg[/img] Wildlife/Geography : India style forest [b]Race Sheet[/b]: [color=0054a6]Name[/color]: Oathmen after they oath they took when congregating to stand for virtue and righteousness under the unconditional and unchanging circumstances of their God's nature and person. [color=f26522]Changes [/color]: The offspring have many freckles, some dark, some light, some dispersed and some abundant. There has also been a much higher level of brown than blue eyes, but this was because of cultural influence on the pregnant women's psychology than it was the plague. [color=39b54a]Appearance[/color]: Caucasian, brown hair, blue and brown eyes, average height 5'9" [color=f7941d]Advantages [/color](If it is magic that is the only advantage you may have): they come from a very sympathetic and empathetic tribe which produces few internal conflicts so prosperity is abundant and the opportunity to develop and explore is looked upon with interest not rejection. So because this is a Magical quality, I will look upon all other traits positive and negative with an air of Inspiration and Appreciation. ATTRIBUTE of our Prominent : CONSIDERATE 100 is considered experienced, not old, and so weaker elderly will end up creating a social discomfort. [color=00a99d]Disadvantages [/color]: We are arrogantly/ignorantly proud, incurring enmity between us and other tribes when subduing cultural differences and enforcing laws. ~ This leads to our initial vulnerability in conflict resolution. Attribute of our petty: effrontery 27 is still considered young and is courting age.