[center][h3][color=0ab922]Tadeo Diaz[/color][/h3] [IMG]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32300000/-Arthur-Aguiar-arthur-aguiar-32312384-500-375.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] On The Train, Great Hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Wyatt Blackwood [@Heathen][/center][hr][hr] Pleased that the cat seemed to take well to him, Teddy looked up at the other boy sitting in his seat. With his face hidden by the giant book and the sunglasses he seemed like someone playing at being a spy. Once the cat began purring, he was sure he wouldn't be the target of any spells just yet. People tended to trust you if their pets did, most of the time. And to Teddy's credit, pets almost always tolerated him. It didn't really help him filter people out though, Gus didn't really [i]like[/i] anyone. [i]It depends. Are you going call me a Mudblood and other obscenities at me or are you going to behave?"[/i] The other guy's accent was strong. But then again, Teddy wasn't sure how his own accent sounded. He was easy enough to understand. Mudblood, though? [color=0ab922]"Uh, no... You can be sure I won't call you anything right off the bat. As for [i]behaving[/i],"[/color] he just laughed. [color=0ab922]"I don't really behave. I promise not to mess with you if that's what you mean though."[/color] Still, the boy was unconvinced. Clearly he hadn't picked the friendliest compartment to walk into, but he had been drawn in by a Confundus Charm fired at a passerby. [i]"I've read about that American team. They're pretty okay. And...you are?"[/i] Tadeo was taken aback. His head jerked backwards slightly as he raised an eyebrow at him. [color=0ab922]"'Pretty okay?'" [/color]He looked down at the hoodie he wearing, confirming which set of Houston Rockets the boy was talking about. Wyatt was still staring, clearly more concerned with an answer than what Teddy thought of his team. [color=0ab922]"Well buddy, I'm the guy who for sure as hell won't be behaving if you're not giving the Rockets their proper credit. We're taking the Championship this year. And I'm talking the [i]U.S. League[/i], not this mediocre backwater League you got going on here."[/color] He gave the boy a friendly half-smile to show it was all in good fun. [color=0ab922]"I'm Tadeo, by the way. Tadeo Diaz, but you can call me Teddy if you want. I respond to either one."[/color] He had been petting the cat the whole time, but he removed it to reach out and shake hands. Despite Wyatt's initial reservedness, the two managed to hold a friendly conversation through the rest of the train ride. Tadeo asked about Hogwarts. While he had read up on what he could, he had plenty of questions as to what life was like at the castle. He asked about what the teachers we like, the make up of the Quidditch teams, curfew rules and their enforcement, the logistics of getting some... alone time with someone, and of course the potions stock and equipment available to students. He went on for a while himself about his own life at his old school, friends and girlfriends, life in Houston, his trip to Brazil. He had gone on for quite a while before he even though to ask Wyatt about himself. What house was he in, what did he like to do, did he have a girlfriend... uh, boyfriend, and so on. A while into the ride, Teddy drew three other students into the compartment as they walked past. While Wyatt was friendly and good to talk to, he was sure the ride could only be improved by more company. The look on Wyatt's face told him that maybe he didn't enjoy the company quite as much. But of course, that was because would rather be reading. Teddy just had to show him it was just as much fun to be around other people for such a long ride. Besides, he seemed to know one of the students from the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Talking of how excited he was to join them all at Hogwarts, Teddy pulled out the chocolate frogs his mom had bought him and passed out two to everyone. When the school came into view, Teddy's stomach jumped. This was it. A reminder from a passing professor to put on their robes, only served to excite him further. Despite all the excitement, dealing with his bags and one unhappy owl made him the last out of compartment and one of the last out of the train itself. He stood before the castle, looking up at it in awe. It was somehow even bigger than he'd imagined. Strolling forward in something of a daze, he was caught off guard by the man taking his bags. Was this normal here? He wasn't quite sure he trusted them to be taken, but a couple of charms should keep anyone out of them. Or at least deter anyone looking for an easy bag to get into. He followed the crowd into the Great Hall where the young witches and wizards separated out to their respective house tables. Teddy walked over to what he was pretty sure was the Slytherin table and took his seat among them. He drew a few looks, but no one really questioned him. He wasn't the first transfer. Still, there was still the hint of novelty and within a few seconds he was engaged in conversation with a few other students. A few fifth and sixth years as well as a second year, one of the girls' little brother apparently, who seemed convinced that everyone in American big cities was trying to kill everyone else. Soon the ceremonies began with the Sorting. Something Teddy would have loved to participate in, but as no one wanted to steal the moment from the first years, transfer sortings were handled over the holidays. The idea of a back to school ball and Quidditch matches excited Teddy. The problem was who would he take? He looked around the Great Hall, truly aware for the first time that all these people already knew each other. Then again, the fact that none of these girls knew him while a problem also meant they were all equally as likely to say yes, right? He chuckled to himself. He had only just got here and there was already some fun to be had.