[b]"Course, ain't so fair these days...ain't much of a haven, neither."[/b] As the Sergeant led the group into the city, Sheeva was being pretty catty for a bird. "SQUAWWWW! ([i]No kidding, gramps. This place is a dump.[/i])" She mentioned casually. Lammy sighed at the situation, and her comment. He scanned the solemn, desolate landscape, devoid of people or general upkeep. "Wait a second, 'Mist-taken'?" The query came completely out of left field, blurted out by the dingy druid himself. "So this has happened before? We're not the first?" He kinda felt like he just adding to the list of questions that would no doubt stack up on the Sergeant. "What happened to the last ones?" He asked. Even if the last incursion happened decades ago, he figured whatever happened was still pretty significant, seeing as there were stories told about it.