[@Raijinslayer] [@j8cob] [h2][b][center]Matisuki Kiryuin[/center][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Mitsurugi-copy_zpsmam0rj20.png[/img][/center] [i]"Already got you covered, Matt,[/i] replies Revan, [i]"My hydras are following from the city's shadows as we speak, and since they're low level ones, I doubt even that shifty little shit will be able to sense them. If anything fishy happens, they'll alert me about it."[/i] [b]"GOOD."[/b] answers Matt as he starts to transform back into his human state, [b]"We need some stealthy agents like them."[/b] [i]"I'm itching for a reason to make good on my promise and rip that kid's head right off. I don't care if the little flame girl has the hits for him, anyone whose willing to kill civilians like that is bad news."[/i] [b]"Damn right it is. In fact, I'd rather kill him myself..."[/b] [i]"We still should bring his ass in anyway, though, cause I sure as hell ain't paying for the damages to the city he just created."[/i] [b]"You mean ALL of us."[/b] Matt remarks, [b]"The whole guild will be responsible, and the high Council would not be happy about it at all either. I mean, have you seen how the mighty Titania looks when she~?"[/b] Just then, Hana makes her comment behind them. [color=ec008c]"Actually, it will be me that will handle Ira."[/color] Matt would look behind him to see her with a grunt. [b]"And what makes you say that?"[/b] [color=ec008c]"You two have each challenged him already and both times you had let him go. It would only be fair if I get a turn, but the main reason I will fight him is because I'm not like you two."[/color] The pink-haired samurai stepped forward, standing before Revan and Matt with an authoritative pose. [color=ec008c]"If he brings harm to Taka then I will fell him in one strike."[/color] The brawn man listens respectfully. While all three were comparable, Hana Oshiro was known as the sharpest offense. Her fights were always quick and clean, wasting no time to test her opponent or herself. Most have to build up to full strength but The Last Samurai comes out with maximum force every time. [color=ec008c]"I hope there is no problem with that. You have to remember that it is also part of my responsibility to look out for everyone. Besides, from watching the two fights so far it might just require my touch to maintain our honor as the Wizards of Fiore."[/color] Matt thought to himself for a second until making his reply. [b]"Very well."[/b] he answers, [b]"For the honor of this guild, you'll also keep an eye on her."[/b] And with that, Hana left. The strong man then slowly looks over at Revan. [b]"I don;t know if you've already noticed, but in case you didn't, that dark mage has an aura all too similar to that blasted Zeref..."[/b] he growls quietly, [b]"I fear something far more sinister is at play... a fear I hadn't felt since the war...[/b]