[@Ashifili][@WaddleDaisy] '[color=fff79a]A...prince?[/color]' The idea of running into royalty here was very surprising...wherever here was. Sure he [i]said[/i] they were in Aurora, but Joel had no idea where that was in relation to the mines. Then there was that small jolt of electricity that he had shot out of his finger at him. It didn't hurt too much, but the sight of someone shooting out electricity was mind blowing for him. '[color=fff79a]Just where on Earth is this place?[/color]' Had Joel any memories of life outside the mines, he might have wondered if he was even still on earth...however, he didn't. Those mines had been his entire world, so anything other then them would be wondrous. If he had been dropped in New York City, or somewhere else in either America or England, his reactions would be identical to what they were now. So no, Joel had no idea that he was no longer on the same planet as those mines that were once his prison. Joel had questions, oh so many questions. However he also had no idea how to ask them. The only people here with him were a boy who seemed to hate him, an honest to god girl, and a prince. The former he knew he couldn't deal with, while the later two he had never even seen before. '[color=fff79a]Still...no one seems to want to kill me...so, there's that.[/color]' Too worried about offending the older man, Joel wasted no time in following him, after picking up the key he had given him. By this point; Joel's mind had been blown so much, that it still being in one piece should have been a physical impossibility, yet it was. The very notion of something like a 'change of clothes' was almost too much for him to wrap his mind around. Joel had only ever owned one set of clothes (which had initial been too big for him, but he had grown into), so being told that he was going to get [i]different[/i] clothes to put on sounded as crazy as being told that he was getting a replacement head. While the idea of something to take the edge off his hunger sounded nice, there was another thought on his mind; '[color=fff79a]what's a bed?[/color]'