[center][h3][b][color=598527]Lt. Commander Brine Sharp[/color][/b][/h3][/center] As Capt. Carson readies her tools I remove my pants, carefully so as not to get more blood on them than necessary, then I sit down on the exam table and focus on relaxing the muscles in that leg. Thankfully the augmentations made it possible for me to almost completely ignore pain, as well as increased my muscle density which probably helped to stop the bullet before it struck my femur, that would have been messy. Before I knew it she was back with a tray of tools and ready to start, she looked the leg over once and started frowning slightly. [b][color=9e0039]"First I'd like to remind you that I am a fully trained and licensed medical officer, so what I'm about to say is completely professional. Your boxers are in the way. I'll need to roll the leg up so I can get to the wound."[/color][/b] It was an understandable request considering the circumstances, so I nodded my consent. [color=598527]"Certainly Captain, if it would be easier for you to work I can take them off."[/color] I say as she starts to roll the leg of my boxers up with some difficulty. [color=9e005d][b][center][h2]Commander Rin Monroe[/h2][/center][/b][/color] After dismissing Captain Henderson I make my way to the medical bay. I have a massive headache that will only be soothed by strong pain killers. By now the ship is well out of atmosphere and on it's way to the space station. I expect everyone to be in their quarters and see nothing that would lead me to believe otherwise. The halls are quiet for the most part, a steady hum of the engines but that doesn't bother me. I try to take the opportunity to run over a mental check list. It's hard though with this bad of a headache. I'm lost in my thoughts and expecting nothing as I walk through the doors of the medical bay just in time to see Brandy with her head over Brine's lap and him offering to remove his underwear. This early in the mission I logically don't expect anyone to be injured... So what then could be going on here? [b][color=9e005d]"Brine, you better be bleeding because if you aren't you will be."[/color][/b] I say sternly as I walk into the room. Approaching the exam table I'm able to see that he is in fact injured, though still without pants. Meanwhile Brandy looks like she just got caught stealing money from her mother's wallet. I walk around to where I'm standing behind Brandy. [b][color=9e005d]"Carry on Captain, you aren't in trouble."[/color][/b] I assure her and rest a hand on her shoulder. I lean in closer to inspect the wound myself, looks like some kind of shrapnel. [b][color=9e005d]"What happened?"[/color][/b] I ask, despite already knowing what likely occurred. I glance back up to Brine's face. [color=598527]"I can't seem to escape God's wrath, ma'am."[/color] He chuckled. I shake my head slightly and roll my eyes. [b][color=9e005d]"Sorry Lt. Commander, I legitimately didn't mean to shoot you... this time."[/color][/b] I remark, sounding more laid back than I had been previously. [color=598527]"Yes ma'am, I know. You have much better aim when your trying."[/color] He says with a mischievous smirk. [b][color=9e0039][center][h3]Captain Brandy Carson[/h3][/center][/color][/b] While these two were gabbing away like two drinking buddies I'm busy trying to concentrate on the fact that I have a patient on my table who is bleeding. I try to ignore them, but it is difficult, especially so with the Commander's hand on my shoulder. As I sit there trying to hold the leg of his boxer up and clean the wound I feel myself getting more and more frustrated. [b][color=9e0039]"I'm sorry Commander, but if your going to stay and watch I'll need you to actually be useful."[/color][/b] I say somewhat snappy as I take her hand off my shoulder and place it on the bunch of Brine's boxers that I was holding. Judging by the look on her face I would say she was surprised, but recognized that in this particular situation I'm the boss. Luckily most people with as much experience as her realize that you shouldn't argue with the person who is trying to help. [b][color=9e0039]"Thank you."[/color][/b] I added, slightly more tactfully this time. [center][b][color=598527][h3]Commander Brine Sharp[/h3][/color][/b][/center] As Capt. Carson laid Commander Monroe's hand on my leg a multitude of boyhood fantasies jumped up into my mind faster than I could stop them, causing me to blush uncontrollably for a moment, thankfully I don't think anyone noticed, Captain Carson was too intent on my wound and I'm pretty sure Commander Monroe was too focused on where her hand had just been put. [i]O God, what if I get an erection![/i] I thought suddenly. [i]I'm pretty certain they would notice that! How do I stop that?! [/i] I started thinking of anything I could that was a turnoff for me and that seemed to work pretty well, then just as I had that under control Captain Carson finished cleaning my wound and picked up a hypodermic needle of what I assumed was pain killers. [color=598527]"Capt. Carson, that wont be necessary."[/color] I say looking to Commander Monroe as if to ask whether or not to tell Capt. Carson about my augmentations. [b][color=9e005d]"It's alright, you can tell her, she needs to know anyways."[/color][/b] She said, then I briefly explained what they were and how they affected my medical treatment to Captain Carson and said. [color=598527]"I'll be sure to forward my full medical file to you ASAP Captain."[/color] [color=9e0039][b][center][h3]Captain Brandy Carson[/h3][/center][/b][/color] I wasn't expecting Lt. Commander Sharp to be genetically augmented, though it's not surprising that the Rebirth program would be furthered in such a way. I refrain from asking any questions since it doesn't seem appropriate to do so at the moment. Carefully I concentrate on my work. After cleaning the wound I remove the shrapnel, then I clean it again, once satisfied that it's well taken care of I start stitching. While stitching my focus was fully on the task at hand. Quickly though I'm finished and conclude by bandaging the area. [color=9e0039][b]"Because of your augmentations it's hard to say exactly when the stitches will need to be removed but I'm going to guess it will be a couple days to a week."[/b][/color] I say as I lean back and remove my gloves. After clearing my throat I stand and start to clean up. [color=9e0039][b]"You can let go now."[/b][/color] I say to Commander Monroe with a slight smirk. [color=9e005d][b][center][h2]Commander Rin Monroe[/h2][/center][/b][/color] Abruptly I remove my hand from Brine's thigh when Brandy made her snide remark. As I step back he, thankfully, puts his pants back on. I'll never admit it but a handful of inappropriate thoughts had crossed my mind, after all it was an awkwardly intimate situation. After thanking Brandy I make my way to the door, closely followed by Brine. Once exiting and walking down the corridor a little ways we stop. [color=598527]"I'd like permission to stop by the mess hall on my way back to my room, ma'am. I heal a lot faster when I have plenty of protein."[/color] He says to me. I do feel some guilt over him getting injured, so I grant his request. [color=9e005d][b]"Be sure to return to your room [i]immediately[/i] after though."[/b][/color] I remind him, to which he says. [color=598527]"Yes ma'am."[/color] As he is walking away I call out to him. [b][color=9e005d]"By the way, I appreciate you being able to contain that blood rush to your cheeks."[/color][/b] I say jovially. Then I do something I haven't done in a very long time... [i][b]I smile. [/b][/i] [hider=Credit] This post was collaboratively written by TartanO88 and BlackRose24. [/hider]