Gippal still was lost in thought, and seemed he didn't even hear what Saina had said, Fuming to himself. As one normally would when unsaid things kept coming to his mind that he wish he had been able to say to Alex and Nai. Urick though Did catch what Saina had did, and smiled...though he didn't laugh. Maximus was just confused though as he had missed the look on her face. The group had stopped when Saina mentioned that Mercury had the items of food meant for their lunch. But Mercury was no where to be seen. A few moments later with all of them looking around, even Gippal as well, Saina had mentioned going back and catching up with them later. Looking to them all. Though her eyes had stopped on Uricks, their eyes connecting for what seemed like a minute to him, but was only a few moments. She had turned away, covering her face with her shoulder, and he looked down and away, rubbing the back of his head as he felt his cheeks starting to warm. He wanted to go with her... for some reason he wanted to follow her. He did pause though as he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He felt something...unnerving. He looked away and towards the left. He didn't see anyone, or anything out of the ordinary, but still, he felt like he was being watched.... He didn't notice Eva talking with Saina, until she said his name. Looking back to her with wide eyes in question, he noticed a big smile on her face as she asked him to go with Saina. After a moment of hesitation and slightly burning cheeks he nodded. Though he was glad Eva asked, he was embarrassed that she did. Maximus though wasn't pleased. But his face did not show it as he watched Urick walk back to Saina. He personally wanted to go with her, and perhaps try to break down the barrier that she had put up to him after finding out what he thought. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh as he looked to Gippal who still was lost in his own world as he looked to the two girls. Maximus did say though, "We will see you two back at the temple then."