Many stories to frighten children and adult as the fearsome tales of the nightmarish creature known as Ghoukas have spread across the myriad cultures of the multiverse. Shadows moving in the night and sounds carrying on the wind, the odd and mysterious traces of animals crossing the lands…all attributed to the power of Ghoukas. Deep in his hoary realm of dank ruins and darkened halls, Ghoukas waited it was said, for the day the gates would open again. The Lord of Nightmares waited for the day when he would burst, free to reclaim the lands of life . . . to reclaim what he had lost. Seated upon a vast throne of roiling shadow stuff, the creature known as Ghoukas reached forth with a massive taloned hand. Brilliant yellow lights emanated from where eyes should be, hidden under a billowing wrap, sliced through the gloom and landed upon the great cudgel that waited for blood to course along its form, for it hungered to taste pain and suffering again. A deep, echoing voice echoed in the shadowed chambers, [color=fdc68a]"Soon we shall feed both of our hunger . . . soon we shall walk the among the light again . . . soon"[/color] Slowly the grim lord stood. The great figure stretched, as it did so, the hood fell back, exposing long, thick horns pointing forward. The dark coloration blended from a deep crimson to the darkest black. One massive hoofed foot touched the floor, as it did so wisps of smoke swirled around the hoof, the weight of the nightmare caused even the solid stone to groan as it protested the movements that proceeded across its surface. With a sudden swiftness that belied the size of the nightmare come to life, Ghoukas lifted his war club, as a great exhale of breath escaped him, filling the air with curls of smoke. Narrowing his eyes, Ghoukas began the long walk to the gates. A wicked smile crossed his lips, this time he would escape. Woe unto the Dreamers that had locked him away. Slowly the footfalls slowed, finally ceasing to echo around the ruined realm. The great Ghoukas stood a moment as the gleaming eyes studied the massively constructed gates that had held him for eons; time slowed to a crawl as he only grew in hatred. The power that coursed through his veins laced with that black hatred and the desire to avenge itself upon the Dreamers and the worlds they protected. Ghoukas smiled cruelly, a wisp of smoke escaped his lips, and it curled and blew away when he snorted. The vast cudgel that the Lord of Nightmares gripped reached forward and tapped the mighty gates that held him. Eyes narrowing slightly he licked his lips, the blackened tongue, almost serpent-like as it traced the outline of the twisted mouth. His power slowly extending as the Nightmare That Lives realized the time was nigh on hand, he reached forward, his siren call of power flowing slowly through the grand gates and seeking his minions, [color=fdc68a]"Prepare for the Devourer of Worlds is coming."[/color] That sentence filled the great hall of the Nexus of Worlds. Many members of the staff redoubled their efforts to finish their business and leave. Some of the patrons hesitated, their attention turned from the viewing screens of the matches underway. Some hastily excused themselves and scurried away, finding a gate to their home world. The Forgotten swarmed over the ruins of the Seventh Station, as the dark horde spiraled upward towards the flicker of light that beckoned them, a streamer of energy leading to the Key that would free the Lord of Nightmares. The advanced guard pushed their immense shadowy wings, propelling themselves with reckless abandon. They would reach the Nexus of Worlds shortly; each of them relished the thought of killing the Cughtagh. The dying of a dream and the advent of the eternal nightmare would begin.