[center][h3]Azai and Chozai, Gurata[/h3][/center] [B]"Brother, tell me what could I possibly do to dine today?"[/B] Azai said with frustration, walking back and forth around the camp fire. [B]"Patience brother, patience. Cooking is a delicate matter, that needs studying in order to be perfect. Can you honestly say that my cooking skills aren't legendary?"[/B] Chozai said, smiling while carefully observing the cooking pot. It was quite a nice day, not too cold for Chozai. They were on their way to Barcea, to meet with a client that was having troubles with bandits, because of the recent political situation between Barcea and H'kela. [B]"Brother remind me again, what is required of us to do this time?"[/B] Azai asked. Chozai laughed lightly as he answered [B]"Brother, you ought to focus more when I speak to you about jobs. But nevertheless, we will head for Barcea to meet with a client that because of the recent bandit attacks in the region, needs protection for his property."[/B] Azai couldn't help himself but to feel odd about this job [B]"Yes I know, but I can't help myself but to wonder, why would someone hire us in Barcea for protection, when there is the sentinels that their prince found, is there specifically for that sort of job?"[/B] Chozai got up on his feet, and offered a plate for Azai [B]"Well I honestly can not say that I haven't thought of that, but that just mean we need to see for ourselves, and thank the lord we had a job. No one was hiring for a decent job ... Now finish your plate we need to keep moving, we have a long walk ahead of us"[/B] It's been a couple of years since they arrived at Gurata. Azai and Chozai lived the nomadic life, but we're completely clueless of what to do, since they couldn't keep researching any longer, for the lack of proper equipment and materials, so they led a normal nomadic life... Until the day the stumbled upon a monk, and that monk was no ordinary monk. He was a master in the art of war, but chose to live peacefully. He offered to teach them his art, and allow them to use it for work, but with one condition, to use it for good cause, they had no choice but to agree. That's how they became swords for hire.  The sound of horses startled the brothers, they put out the fire so they won't be seen, they had a slight idea of whom it might be, but it was far fetched in this part of Gurata. They hid in near by bushes, their cloaks have them some cover, as they awaited the arrival of the riders. They guessed right, it was no other than chief Seryosa, the northern chief of Gurata. It was a group they certainly didn't want to get in their way, they weren't really known for being nice with people who get in their way. But it was odd that they would come all the way here to hunt, yet they remained hid hoping they won't discover them [B]"Do you think we will be in trouble, if we are discovered?"[/B] Chozai whispered to Azai. [B]"I honestly don't know brother, so let's remain silent and hope for the best."[/B]  The riders eventually past them by, and the brothers decided to pack quickly as head for the Barcea, hoping they won't stumble with the chief again, or anything that big...