Leo's cheeks suddenly turned bright red. Was Nat [i]flirting[/i] with him? This kind of thing wasn't too uncommon, Leo supposed that she was bored with watching the monitors and making announcements all day. After his charge dove under the water, he snickered as shook his head and removed his shirt. He knew, from experience, Nat's little trick of "bubbling" her mouth to allow herself to breathe underwater. However, he was ready this time. Normally, he didn't use his powers to play Nat's games, but he made an exception this time. He took a deep breath, and dove into the spring. His vision under the water was blurry, but he made out Nat's silhouette at the far end of the pool, and started swimming toward her, grinning as he did so. [i]Got you this time, Nat.[/i] [hr] Toby took notice that Gallus seemed alarmed by his presence. He always wondered what the bird's problem was, and was about to ask Jace about it before Artemis responded. [i]"You're the cute butcher who butchers my friends aren't you?"[/i] Toby just about swallowed his tongue when he heard those words. He had a feeling that something like this would happen, but he didn't expect her to be so brazen about it. But then, something made him not get up from his chair and leave. Did she say he was cute? What an odd thing for someone who hated you to say... Then, as if Artemis knew that she might've offended him, she blushed heavily and asked if he had come to talk to Jace. Then, she said that she would leave him alone if he wanted. Toby couldn't let this opportunity pass him by. He had to leap into action! "Wha- No! I'm, uh..." He suddenly became tongue-tied...was he losing control of his human form, or was this how teenagers really acted? Toby didn't know for sure, but he took a breath and looked Artemis in the eyes. Her beautiful, fiery eyes. "Actually, that sounds like a great idea." He smiled at her, almost forgetting that Jace and Gallus might be glaring a hole through him at this point. "Let's get some pancakes. I didn't even have breakfast yet." A lie, but it would be a good way to get her alone...